Sunday, November 12, 2023

Beautiful Inside and Out

(September 20th, 2023)

We are very lucky to have great photographers live in our neighborhood. If I need anyone to take pictures, I know I have several options. Of course, I take shoots of the girls, but you can't have too many pictures. (Will you please tell Blogger that? They keep trying to limit the number in my books. Sheesh.) So when the girls planned a photo shoot for Mutual, I thought that was such a fun idea. They passed the photos along and you will love these. It's like a bonus birthday shoot for these three.

Let's start with Daisy. They were instructed to dress up anyway they wanted. Whether fancy or casual—you do you. Daisy opted for a medieval flare. She looks lovely.

Ivory went sporty chic. With her cute space buns and personality, she shines.

Ivory got a few pictures with Kelsie as well. I love the friendships she has that keep her supported and loved. 

Pearl opted for casual, with some serious curls. I think she was one of the first ones to go because she captured the sun before it went down. What a beauty.

There were some group shots as well. This is such a wonderful group of girls. They back each other up. They are awesome.

And of course a couple behind the scenes pictures Pearl got. Fun stuff. I hope each of the girls felt lovely that day. They are beautiful inside and out.


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