Saturday, November 11, 2023

Ella juega tenis

(Sept-Oct, 2023)

The tennis season isn't long around here. It is split into Fall and Spring. They are each about 6 weeks long and are riddled with make-up practices because it's Utah and you can't count on the weather. Pearl only plays in the Fall because she does track in the Spring. So Pearl's tennis time is short, but still fun.

Last year, she was spanking new. She and Brooklyn played Varsity doubles. This year, she has a little more practice under her belt. Once again, she and Brooklyn played Varsity doubles. So not much changed except that they are better than last year. 

This season was fun to watch. We didn't take pictures at all the matches. They won some, they lost some. Maybe lost more than they won, but they always had a smile and they played some pretty hard teams, since they were Varsity and all. 

I'm really proud of them. Here are some pics of them playing, and Beau and I came to watch once.

Oh, the best match was the one that Pearl was supposed to get a ride from Brooklyn's grandma, who ended up canceling on her, so Pearl got a ride with Ivory instead and Ivory dropped her off at the wrong school. Oopsie. So I drove out there and took her to the right place. She was only an hour late. :) Brooklyn ended up playing singles and then doubles with Pearl later. It all works out. It's nice that these girls are flexible and cheerful about the rough patches.

Look how much they've grown. 



Such cuties. Maybe they'll get to play double together again next year. 

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