Friday, November 10, 2023

First Choir Concert of the Year (School Year that is)

(September 26th, 2023)

The High School wins this time around. I feel like everyone waits for October to do their concerts and I think that usually the High School does too, except they have Mega Concert in November, so I think there was a rush to get a concert in right away. 

The theme was "Of Sheep and Shepherds" and it was kind of a snoozer concert. (Mr. Taylor doesn't read this blog, right?) I'm just saying, it was mostly choral music and I couldn't understand many of the words, so I was not as engaged as I could be. The singing was still beautiful. At least the parts I didn't sleep through. (I'm kidding...mostly.)

First up was Chamber Choir. This is Ivory's special group with 32 singers. They have simple black dresses and we actually bothered to hem things this year. (Well, Beth hemmed them, but we asked her to.) No duct tape for us. Ivory was on the side so you only see her in profile. I did record one of their songs, but it was so boring, I'm not putting it on here. Just pictures.

Then Daisy. She was on the left too. This is probably because they both sing soprano. 

Mr. Taylor is sporting his gold sparkly jacket the girls bought him one year. He is a trooper to wear it and he always mentions that it doesn't breathe.

Okay, here is the Con Brio song I recorded. I actually really like the Piccolo part. That is fun.

Acapella wear the funny robes, but they do look very united in their style. Can you pick out Ivory as we zoom in?

Here is a song they did. It really is pretty and they are a great choir.

I only say these things about choir because often the concerts are really fun and very mesmerizing. This  one was just average. Singing...above average. Song choice...below average. But don't fear, the next High School concert is the Mega Concert and I already know that will be stellar!

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