Thursday, November 9, 2023

Ye Olde Carnival

(September 18th, 2023)

First, I'd like to point out, this is the same date as the last post. So Daisy went straight from getting her gums lasered to the school carnival. Poor thing. Let's hope she was still numb.

The carnival is no longer something we have to worry about. No kids in Elementary, so no mandatory cakes to make and buy later. In fact, we could have just let this day slide into history. But we didn't. And I'm glad we didn't. We mainly went so Pearl could volunteer and get some service hours.

The rest of us got a few tickets and dutifully ate our one slice of pizza or a small hot dog.

I like to look at the auction items, but then you have to stick around until they close if you really want something. I did see these epic Perler bead designs in a teacher's window. That is pretty fantastic.

We had some tickets, so it seemed we should do something with them and then I saw the animal area. This is the first time I've seen this done before. I believe all the animals came from one family, which in itself is impressive. There were (let's see if I remember) goats, chickens, guinea pigs, bunnies, tortoises, a lizard, hedgehogs, and a chinchilla. Phew. (I bet they have dogs and cats too, but they didn't bring those.) This seemed like a worthy thing to spend tickets on, so we paid up and got a half hour to pet and hold whatever we wanted. Ivory and I started with the hedgehogs, because cuteness.

We really enjoyed the lizard. He was so chill.

But the best, in my opinion (and don't hate me, you hedgehog lovers) was the chinchilla. It was so ridiculously soft. I would buy a chinchilla coat, except that means that many chinchillas would have to die, and I don't want that, but you know what I mean. Super silky soft.

We went and told Pearl about all the animals after we were done and naturally, she HAD to come snuggle the whole zoo. (That is just how she is.) She could have spent hours there, but she got the same amount of time as everyone else.

I got distracted later by an emergency in which June needed a Book of Mormon pronto. I won't bore you with the details about how the MTC is basically the most impenetrable fortress in history and it doesn't matter if you want to bring the word of the Lord to a teacher, you are NOT getting in there.

But Tyler stayed on site and got himself a longboard at the auction. Awesome! 

We also randomly ended up with a cake. I was NOT going to buy a cake for many reasons, so when I saw one on the table, I was surprised, but the girls told me there were giving them away at the end because they had too many leftover. Okay, that's fine. Except only one of us got to sample the cake. Can you guess who?

If you guessed Nova, you'd be right. It didn't look that good anyway and I was mostly glad the cake wasn't chocolate. Stupid dog. 

Overall, I would say it was a success. Another carnival under our belts and it was a job well done.

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