Wednesday, November 22, 2023

May Chatbook 2022

This year has been the year of catching up. I did such a great job, right up until May. And then I fell off the wagon, into a ditch, got sprayed by a skunk, and sat there in my own filth for a month or so apparently. So May was not exactly recorded. After a vinegar and ketchup bath, I got back on my feet and jumped into summer and kept up pretty well, but poor May wasn't even in the rearview mirror anymore. Like a stuffed animal that has fallen under the bed, or like my clothes that get taken by the kids, it was forgotten. 

However, with a blog list that tells me what I still need to blog, it wasn't completely gone. And after today, May 2022 will be exonerated. (Then I just need to finish May 2023. One step at a time.) Let's go...

Daisy really likes to mess with her photos. This one is intriguing to me. Is she going blind? Being possessed? Slowly being erased? I'm just saying...I don't want to go to that spa!

Oh, this is sad. A sweet girl from school found a bird and brought it to school. She actually carried it around to all her classes, but I think it was a distraction, because at some point she asked me to keep it in the library for a bit. But the little guy didn't make it. At the end of the day, she came back and told me he died. It was really sad.

How many mechanical pencils can you tuck in your hair? Is there a world record for that?

Posters went up at the Junior high advertising the ballroom class at the High School. It was fun to see Ivory in them.

One of the ladies who works with me, has a creative daughter. She makes little scenes using clay, fabric, and anything else she can manipulate. She made a Labyrinth scene and I was smitten. It was so detailed and amazing. And she let me put it on display in the library for a little bit. Stunning.

Ivory got her patriarchal blessing. That is such a big event, although usually there are no pictures involved. But we snapped one after. (Or before? I can't remember.) It was such a wonderful experience and Ivory has many wonderful blessings promised to her.

Tyler and I went on a date to the Taste. They have chocolate tastings where they show you how they make the chocolate and then give you samples of different kinds. It was so fun, informative, and yummy. I highly recommend it.

Temple day.

Nova is not nearly as good at puzzles as Pearl is. Shame...she has a lot more time to work on them.

Pearl got a N.O.V.A. award at school. I think only one person per class got that award. (Don't quote me.) It shows that Pearl is basically an amazing, well-rounded, awesome person. (Not that she has a dog named Nova.)

Daisy got her birthday lunch (she just picks a day since she has a summer birthday) but somehow Pearl got a lunch too. Hmm, that seems fishy. (Looks like Tyler got a haircut)

Ah yes, the one day of the year that one of the kids mows the lawn. Looks like it was Ivory in 2022. She got that out of the way early. 

Tyler made this epic plaque for Granny V's desk in Idaho. He commemorated the special event of Barry breaking his toe on the corner, not once, but twice. I think it is really cool. No other desk has something like that.

Was the oculus new? I can't remember that either. (Give me a break, it was a while ago.) But it looks like we are enjoying it. 

Ivory is such a cutie. I like that she is standing on a stool to get a picture. She really isn't that short.

I think this was taken after the play? It's Aleah and Ivory and they're definitely at the school. We'll just say it was a play. 

The girls did an activity where they made little fairies using natural materials. How cute.

June was on her mission and took one of my favorite photos. This is her with the national flower. So pretty. And the flower isn't bad either. :)

Now THAT is messy bun perfection.

We had the Sister Missionaries over and I made sure to take a picture to send to their moms. Because that is what I wish other people would do as well. 

Finally, Tyler, Pearl, and Daisy painted Atlantis. Tyler started a post back in 2020!! about how we got a leak from an outside hose bib that drained back into the house and destroyed the ceiling. He ended up cutting it all out, fixing everything and putting the entire ceiling back together. That is also when he put can lights in downstairs. I saw the draft, but I'm thinking it will never make it on here. Just know that he put some serious effort into that project and got it done right before Ivory got Covid at Christmas and was stuck down in the basement, so, good timing. Then, only a couple years later, we finally painted. It looks really good. My favorite thing is that the chair rails and baseboards are now white. I really didn't like the brown. Great job you three!

That's all folks. Not only is May done, but all of 2022 is now finished. That year can rest in peace and fade into absolution. It was a good year. Maybe that's why I held on so long...

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