Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Sadies 2023

 (October 28th, 2023)

Sadie's is a girl's choice dance. Ivory decided to ask a coworker who she is friends with. His name is Taylor and he's a pretty cool guy. She left him a poster, bursting with flavor. 

He responded in kind.

Ivory had a really fun group. They carved pumpkins for their day date.

The theme for Sadies was movie couples. Ivory and Taylor decided to go as Tinkerbell and Peter Pan. Ivory thrifted her outfit and it looked really cute.

Kelsie met Ivory at the house before they went to pick up dates. She was dressed as Anastasia. So cute!

I was supposed to take pictures for them, but I gave blood that morning and it was too much. I was not feeling good, so Tyler went in my stead. He's the best. He got some really great shots of the couples.

Can you tell who everyone is? Dmitri and Anastasia, Tink and Peter, Alfredo and Remy, Characters from Dwight in Shining Armor (Job is Baldric, but I don't know who Sadie is?), Anna and Christoff. Such cute couples costumes!

Not sure what the descending picture is about, but I think it's funny both the guys and girls did it.

My favorite picture of the night is Kelsie and Landon replicating the scene where Anastasia learns to dance. This is spot on and adorable.

Later when I saw the pictures, I joked that Taylor didn't dress up much. He is the most modern Peter Pan I've seen. Tyler said, "Yeah, he didn't dress up much, but he did have white makeup on his eyes." Which made me laugh because Taylor has Vitiligo, which causes patches of skin to lose pigment. Tyler didn't know this, so I can see his mistake. 

Since the dance, Ivory has been hanging out with Taylor more. She's really glad that she asked him to Sadie's even though she didn't know him very well at the time and now they're friends yay

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