Thursday, November 30, 2023

The Whole Sheboygan (including Halloween Photo Shoot)

(October 31st, 2023)

I really love Halloween. I love all the spookiness and the dressing up. I could care less about the candy, but that seems to be part of it. We always have a good time around here. Halloween morning is always a bit of a rush and crunch. Everyone stayed over which was super nice because everyone helps everyone in the morning with makeup and hair and whatnot. Beau did flames on Daisy's arms and makeup for June and Pearl. And of course we ate the monster cereal. That is tradition.

Then off we all went to our day. June dressed up at BYU. She was She-Ra and she said only three or so people recognized her. She went trick or treating on campus and they wanted to get rid of their candy, so she got a haul. The makeup Beau did on her was really cute and June said it was the first makeup she had worn since before her mission.

I had a lot of fun at work. I love to see what everyone dresses up as. My favorites by far were Rachel, Katrina, and Katie who dressed up at the Chipettes. Classic. And the science teachers with a few extras who dressed up as characters from Princess Bride. They look amazing!

In the evening, we went to our ward Trunk-or-Treat. It also doubled as our photo shoot backdrop. It was the only time we were all together while it was still light and it was great. Let's take a look at all our cool costumes. June, as you know, was She-Ra, Princess of Power.

Pearl was Doric from the Dungeons and Dragons movie. If you haven't seen that yet, watch it. It is epic. But if you don't know Doric, you could just say Pearl is dressed as a Tiefling. 

Ivory dressed as Tinkerbell again since she already had the stuff on hand. But she added a twist. She was sick Tink, who is slowly dying because people don't believe in fairies. Yikes.

Daisy was Hookfang from How to Train Your Dragon. She planned this outfit months in advance by asking for cool contacts for her birthday in July. They really completed the outfit.

Beau was a sad clown. She looked amazing. Her makeup was really cool. And the hair was perfect for it.

Tyler and I were repping the U.S.A. I went as Lady Liberty and he dressed up as Uncle Sam. We were practically celebrities. Everyone recognized us. ;)

Pretty good looking gang this year, if you ask me.

It was chilly, but not terrible. We stayed in the parking lot until we started to see the same kids coming around for the fourth time. I'm glad I stayed long enough to see the lady on the horse. She looked so nazgul.

Pearl stayed home with June and me this year to hand out candy and play Mau. We had a great time. Later, when Ivory came home, she had a moment with the dog. I can't even remember what they were wrestling over, but Nova won. Ivory got a cut gum. It was the most realistic blood of the evening. :)

I had to laugh at our neighbor. Curtis did a great job decorating his porch and I love the coffins he put up. But it seems a strange dichotomy to see his Christmas tree in the window. Maybe just a little early for that Curtis.

Happy Halloween y'all. 

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