Tuesday, January 16, 2024

November Chatbook 2023

Hey guys, it's a chatbook. Let's see what weirdness we encountered last November. 

Let's start with a Sunday Selfie!

Tyler and I got to go see a preview of Elf since Greg was playing Buddy's dad. It was really cute. And Greg's a natural at being grumpy. ;)

Pearl got this picture as I left the doctor's office one day. I think it's beautiful.

June and I went to see The Secret Garden at BYU. I really love the music from that play. They did a fantastic job and I think it was a first for June. (This isn't related, but I got my PR on the mini that night and I've never been able to beat it since.)

Beau's hair is getting long enough to braid, sort of. It sure is cute. The purple and extra colors are slowly fading. 

The night before we left for Idaho, Beau, June, and I attended a wedding of a friend. We are thrilled for Liz and it was a fun girl's night out.

Always nice to spot wildlife out there. One might say deer are more rare than Dalmatians, but honestly, I've saw way more deer in 2023 than Dalmatians.

Lovely evening. Beau has been doing her thang, delivering mail and being a boss and looking adorable in the process.

Did you know that Frank can balance on a Band-Aid? 

I really like Tyler's reading glasses. Or maybe I just think he's cute when he's reading in general. 

The piano is going almost all the time around here. I can't imagine how the silence will overwhelm me when the girls are gone. I just take it for granted that a melody will be going in the background. (Literally, right now Daisy is playing Can You Feel the Love Tonight on the piano.)

Not sure why I added this photo except that I love to see Tyler playing games with the girls. And you can't tell, but the potatoes au gratin in the background had four different kinds of potato including sweet potatoes and it was delicious.


Tyler got some swag from his speaking lab workshop class thing. It wasn't that exciting, but seeing him on the path to speaking is.

Ah yes. We cleaned up June's extra room so Granny V could visit and Beau moved in a hot minute later. Now I can't really find the floor, but this is proof that it was clean for a moment.

Temple buddies!! June finished up work at the Provo temple last month and now she's hoping to move over to the Orem temple. I would love to work with her on Friday nights, so I'm hoping it works out. She isn't exactly in the boundaries, but I here Orem is going to let BYU students help out.

Who wore it better? Gotta love matching with your district.

I don't think I will ever get tired of clouds and mountains and Utah. I love this state. Yes, even the stupid snow.

Beau and June eating dinner, like they frequently did before Beau moved back home. They still eat together, but usually it is here.

When we moved the round table out of the back bedroom, someone rolled it in front of Ivory's door, much like the tomb. I think she was surprised to be blockaded in her room when she woke up.

June continues to love her job at the MTC. She barely switched from nights to afternoons in the new year and I'm excited to see her more in the evenings. 

This is quite the creative selfie. Pearl is so pretty. She did her own photo shoot and it's adorable.

Daisy finally got a new phone which is so great for her. One of her first photos was of her and her bestest friend Liberty. I'm already lamenting that I'm going to have to check another phone for chatbook pics, but better more photos than a lack thereof.

Um...Ivory took ceramics first semester. She made some of the weirdest things I've ever seen. Take this piece for instance. It is a severed finger. A GIANT severed finger. Don't ask why? I have no idea.

Ivory cut her hair!! It seems like forever now and so normal to see her with her cute layers. I really love it.

Ivory adores Maisie Peters. Even I know some of her music since Ivory plays it for me. After she cut her hair, she thought she looks a little more like her. So she recreated Maisie's album cover. Not going to lie, the resemblance is noticeable.

Ivory is learning to adult and be independent. She ended up attending a Women's conference all on her own. She had a great time and met a lot of fun people. She's really growing up.

Ceramics may not be her thing, but I have loved the stuff coming out of Ivory's baking and pastry class. The little loaves from Thanksgiving weren't the first batch. After Ivory made them the first time, I've insisted she make them frequently. Delicious. And her cakes and other goodies have been amazing. Maybe I'm biased, but I can't eat the pottery.

Last pic. We got the tree up at the end of November. It might be Nova's favorite time of year since she thinks it's wonderful we put down a blanket for her in two rooms. Sure, we call them tree skirts, but she knows better.

That's all from November. It feels like quite a while ago. Time keeps skipping along.

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