Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Santa's Book Workshop

(End of November-ish, 2023)

I've had so much fun decorating the library this year (and technically last) because I've had so much help. Emily is a staple in the library. I've basically turned most of the decorating over to her. She does my signs and helps me think of ideas. It's been fun to have extra help, and she is cheaper than Beau. :)

Beau still came and did an elf for me. I loved her little packing elf. Actually, the elf wasn't so little. She was big enough that she didn't fit in the laminator and I had to cut her in two. Don't worry, you can't tell. Let's give you the big picture first. My idea was to make a little book workshop where the elves are packing up the books and getting them ready for Christmas. Can you see the vision?

Pretty fun, huh? Let's look at the details. Yes, the elf was halved in the middle, but her tutu hides it well.

I was very proud of my little door to the sleigh. Just like at the airport.

I'm also proud of my work-worked corners. Those took a bit to make, but I love the feel it gave.

These signs were supposed to look sort of homemade. I wish Emily was making signs back then...they would have been much better.

More presents on the way.

The library is still hosting the National Junior Honor Society on a regular basis. They are such a great group of kids. We did card decorating first thing in December. And we also wrapped up our Needs drive. I was super impressed with all the stuff the kids collected. They ran everything. They made posters, and advertised in classrooms and picked up donations. We got over 1,000 items. Not too shabby. Like I said, really great students.

Okay, back to decor. Emily made me a sign on the message board out front. Yes, she forgot the 'c' in Grinch, but it was so cute regardless. It took her a bit of time to get it done. One evening while it was waiting to be finished, some parents used the library and let their kids run wild. I came in the next morning to find kids had taken off the tops of several markers and scribbled on the message board. The markers were ruined and Emily had to redo much of the sign. I don't get mad often, but I was furious. Also, I felt like my space was violated. I'd like to smack those parents. 

Phew, got that out of my system. I had some fun decorations on my desk. The hedgehogs had to stay of course. They just got there. So I got them a tiny tree and wrapped dice as presents for them. 

I liked all the fun details in the library. There was the calendar.

And the side display with a tree made entirely by Emily. She even made little ornaments of all the library friends. You may not be able to see, but all the hedgehogs are on there, along with the axolotl, the mini octopus and the cute frog Emily made. (Dill, Kumquat, and Dieter)

It wouldn't be complete without a regular Christmas tree. The gnomes come out every year since they are the only fun decorations I have in the library. Maybe I'll branch out some other year.

Merry Christmas everyone. A little late...or REALLY early.

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