Saturday, February 10, 2024

Going Postal

 (Throughout December, 2023)

I always ask for Beau to send me pictures for the chatbooks. For December, she sent me lots of pictures, but 88% of them were postal pics. True, postal stuff takes up most of Beau's time currently, so that makes sense. But it seemed like they needed a post of their own. 

Things to know about Beau's experiences:

  • December was a lovely month with hardly any snow. That all came at the end of the month and into January.
  • Beau finds lots of weird things in yards and around porches and takes pictures of the things that are unique or interesting to us. (Thanks Beau)
  • There are lots of pets wandering around, mostly cats. It seems like cats are the most neglected animals based on their need for love from a perfect stranger. But I'm assuming this is the cats own fault for acting so aloof in the first place.
  • Beau likes selfies. Nuf sed.
So let's throw some pictures on here of postal adventures for the month of December. Enjoy.

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