Friday, February 9, 2024

What's Your Preference? 2023

(Saturday, December 16th, 2023)

It's a little crazy when we have multiple kids going to the dances. I think we'll just start with Daisy and do all her pics and then jump to Ivory, instead of mixing the two. It was a girls' choice dance in December (Preference), so Daisy picked out this nice guy named Henry and came up with a fun ask. However, she didn't have time to deliver it, and Ivory had free time, so Daisy enlisted her sister to set it up. Ivory was quite the trooper to put this question together.

Ivory filled all those cups with water. That is serious dedication.

Then just a few days later, Daisy got this response. Very sweet. 

Where we live, the day date is a thing. (I don't ever remember doing a day date in WA.) And it's a big thing. The more creative the better. Daisy's group did gingerbread houses, which seems fitting considering the season. They had a lot of fun. You should note that the boy in the pictures with Daisy is NOT her date. Her date was taking the pictures and you never see him.

Not bad guys. I just noticed there are two Henrys. So we'll call one Henry H. That one is NOT Daisy's date either. Henry H. and Johnny's dates were not there, so they made a house together. You might be able to tell which is theirs.

Daisy and her date's house looks very nice. I like the cobblestone path. 

After the day date, Daisy came home to get lovely. She borrowed a dress from Ivory (which I approve of) and looked very fancy and sparkly. (She even wore the bling tennis shoes.)

Tyler got some picture of the flower exchange before they took off. Finally, there is the Henry we were looking for.

Daisy mentioned that they had hardly any time for pictures. But they still got a couple cute ones. 

And a couple more from the evening. I think Daisy had a wonderful time. (And I bet her feet didn't hurt.)

K, time to jump to Ivory and see how her date went. She asked Parker pretty early. (Didn't want him to be nabbed.)

Although Ivory knew he was planning to go, it took him a really long time to respond...hence the clocks.

For their day date, they did something very unique. They made Christmas cookies. (That isn't the unique part) Then they all drew disabilities from a hat and had to deal with those while making cookies. Ivory drew mute and Parker got deaf, which isn't too bad. They couldn't communicate, but at least they could see. Some other teams were not as lucky. 

See, these cookies are pretty cute. 

These are more like what I thought might come out of this activity. 

Such a fun idea and this is a great group. 

Ivory came home and did the same thing as Daisy and got all glammed up. More sparkles... (I'm sad that I missed all this stuff. I was helping over at the last day of the Orem Temple's Open House.)

I really loved Ivory and Parker's pictures. Super cute. And creative that Ivory used my long diamond earrings in her hair. 

Dances are so fun. I'm glad the girls get to have this experience. Adults seem to have forgotten how to have fun, or we have fewer opportunities like these. :)

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