Thursday, April 4, 2024

Cracking Together Again

(March 31st, 2024)

It's been nice to have June back with us for holiday festivities. It feels right to have five kids hunting for eggs and five kids to beat in the decorating contest. Except I didn't. But that's neither here nor there.

Hannah's family ditched and ran off to Missouri for the week of Spring Break so she had nobody home for Easter. We were more than happy to have her join us for the day. She came to church with us. I had to speak. Bleh. It wasn't my best talk, but I felt good about what I spoke about. 

In the afternoon, we decorated eggs and then in the evening we cracked them, as is the custom. Hannah's eggs were less decorated since she spent much of the afternoon with her grandparents. She still quickly did the eggs before the contest.

We had such fun ones this year. 

This is one of the hardest decisions of the for your top five favorites.

It was actually pretty close for the top two. They were only three votes apart. Pearl won with her little luma-egg and Daisy came in second with her El-egg-trical discharge. (Seriously, her lightning bolts were so cool!) And June snatched up third with Hei hei. My Blue egg (Blue's eye from Jurassic world came in fourth, but only because Ivory forgot to vote for it. Well, it might have been fourth anyway.) p.s. This was Pearl's first time winning. She was so proud.

Then after deciding who did the best job decorating, we smash all our eggs. Typical. 

I got the award for first loser. (Meaning both of my eggs were out—cracked first.) And Tyler wasn't far behind. But there isn't an award for second loser. That's just plain loser.

Cracking is always such fun. We had lots of misses. And rerolls. Beau's egg was named Eggy and she chimed each time she got up, "What about the Eggy?" And the chorus returned, "We made time for that!" (It's from a Reel if you're lost.)

Eventually it was down to Hei hei and The Eggy. (That was a little slug bug if you couldn't tell.) Let's do this!

And it went to Beau!! She was the winner. And her other egg never even entered the competition. He was too cool to crack anyway.

Then I made egg salad. I don't make it often, since I think it takes too much work. But I love a good egg salad sandwich. Sorry Hei hei. 

It was a pretty great Crack Off. There were others that will make it on here as well. All in good time.

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