Tuesday, April 2, 2024

March Chatbook 2024

Whew guys. Life has been TOO crazy busy and frankly overwhelming. There always seems to be something to take up my time and I have not been good at balancing blogging and every other aspect of my life. Ironically, I just listened to a talk that says, "I don’t think balance is even the right word, because it implies that all aspects of our lives are getting an equal amount of attention. Not all aspects of our lives deserve an equal amount. So instead of seeking balance, it might be more helpful to identify the most important things and never let the lesser things take precedence over them. To quote Steven R. Covey,  'The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing.'"

Sadly, the main thing is not blogging. It never has been. Other life things are much more important and so my stressful friend sits there waiting to be acknowledged. Since it is Spring Break, I figured I could recognize the elephant in the room. But then the problem is where to start? Do I go from where I left off? Do I be current? It's also overwhelming to make a choice about where in the ring of procrastination I jump in, so that is another reason to avoid it all together. 

However, today I decided to go current and work backwards. That won't be helpful to anyone trying to find something later on, but I don't care. I've made my choice. 

So today, you get a chatbook. All the tidbits of March that wrap up a month (even though I haven't blogged about anything from 2024 yet. Hah! Take that universe. Total chaos!) Even the pictures are in reverse order since that is how I went through the photo album. But I think you'll get an adequate idea of the usual randomness that is part of our lives. Here we go. 

June and I went to see How to Succeed in Business without Really Trying. June hadn't picked a show for the year, so I chose for her. Mainly I wanted to see this one again, since it was the play we did my Senior Year of High School and I was one of the chorus. It was fun to see how many songs came to my memory after so much time. Also interesting, I recognized the voice of Kirby Heyborne. He's sort of famous around here. He's been in several LDS movies and has narrated a LOT of books. In fact, I just listened to a book recently by him and that is how I recognized his bodyless voice. What a fun job!

March has not been a warm or cheery month, despite the groundhog telling us it would be an early spring. Liar. I can count on one hand the number of nice days. But Pearl and I tried to take advantage of the sun, when it showed up. Going for walks is one of my favorite things. (But not when it's cold.)

Abby and I happened to wear very matchy outfits one day at school. Twinners!!

People fall asleep on the couch all the time, but it's much more fun to sleep with a buddy. Extra warmth. 

June's apartment complex hosted a ball. Like big-fancy-dress ball. She had to work until late, but she decided to go for the last hour of the dance. She asked the girls to help her get ready since she wouldn't have much time. It was like watching the mice go to work on Cinderella. Everyone pitched in and we did her hair and makeup in minutes. Not bad huh?

The dance was actually a little underwhelming. June said it was lacking in guys, an important component for dancing. :( But she came back and played some games on the computer. It's fun when the girls find something everyone can play at once. Insane, but fun. Not the game they are playing, but check out Shady Bears for some stressful fun.

Since June is at BYU, she invites us to come to random events. This particular Friday, she went to an Easter Conference. Only Tyler was able to go, but he said it was fantastic. He particularly liked the speakers. (Since he's working on getting into the speaker circuit, he is a good judge of an excellent speaker.)

Guess who takes out the middle? Not me...I'm an edge girl myself. psst...it's Tyler. But he made a cute heart and didn't touch my edges, so I'm not complaining in the least. :)

Tyler dropped June off at Trax one weekend when she was headed to Arizona to hang out with Liv and Figlioli. This picture is so great. I just love the aesthetic.

Beau and Tyler are our resident skaters. The weather hasn't been right for regular skateboarding, but there were a few nice days. Surprisingly, Ivory decided to join in. But not on a board. She does blades. She's pretty good, but that doesn't mean there aren't occasional injuries. For everyone.

Ivory is in a movie. A short film called Isobel. She's actually the leading lady. She did a lot of the filming last summer and the editing process has been a bit beleaguered by gremlins and computer crashes. There was finally a showing of the movie in March, but it was a bit sad. A computer crash happened the day before and much of the sound was lost. It was still fun to see what was put together so far. I don't think this will be Ivory's break into Hollywood, but it was a fun experience for her. Ty and the girls got a couple pictures in the theater.

Temple gals. I love when they come on my shift. Classic June with her eyes closed.

June took this picture of flowers at the temple. Spring? Are you truly coming?

Speaking of temples, Ivory has her little birthmark that looks like Moroni. June put a temple under it.

June fell asleep on her backpack on campus. When she woke up, she said it almost looked like a Spikeball design on her cheek. Even funnier, someone asked her later if she had a good nap. You never know who is watching...

Daisy cut her hair. It looks so adorable on her. It only happened recently, so there aren't lots of photos, but I'm sure you'll see her around (in more blog pictures) with her shorter locks.

Ivory has her bangs that keep things interesting. Sometimes they are super slay and other times she tucks them away. I like the sprout look as well.

Um...I don't even know...

Pearl went to her first Stake dance with her sisters. They are super cute. I missed it all since I was out of town, but it looks like she was well taken care of.

Daisy likes to mix it up with her blue contacts. She waited very patiently for 8 months before getting new colors. Now she has green, gray, and purple. Some people notice right away when her eyes change and other people don't notice at all.

A couple pictures of Nova, courtesy of Pearl, whose phone is filled with pictures of herself and the dog. She's becoming quite the photographer, but when you take THAT many pictures, some have to be good. :) And we'll throw one in of Beau as well. We don't see her as often since she is usually out and about, but every once in a while we capture her long enough to play a game or do a family event.

Let's end with a cute duck that Pearl drew and colored. Isn't he adorable? She is quite talented. 

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