Thursday, April 18, 2024

MORP 2024

(April 13th, 2024)

Backwards Prom is so fun. I wondered who decided to spell that backwards and make a whole dance around it? And it stuck. That's so funny. Regardless, it is definitely a thing. Sometimes the High School does it and other times, it gets missed. I think it really depends on the year and of course Covid messed some things up for good.

Ivory decided to branch out and she asked Spencer. He used to live in our neighborhood, but his family moved a few years ago. But thanks to social media (which wasn't a thing in my day) they sort of stayed in touch. (If by staying in touch, I mean they follow each other on instagram.) She drove all the way out to his house (which is a bit of a drive) and left him a cute ask. 

He responded in kind. (I really love the dino theme)

I think they had such a fun group. I loved their day date. They went to a park and brought lots of wine glasses. Some were for painting. Others were to scoop up cake. The small shot glasses were for...shots basically. But don't worry, there was no alcohol involved. I think they had a good time. (I apologize. Raina has all the pictures and can't seem to share them to Ivory's phone. So maybe I'll get some on here...and maybe not.)

The theme for MORP was decades. That meant you could pretty much dress up in anything. Lots of people did 70s attire, but Ivory and Spencer went late 1600s, early 1700s. Why not? I think they looked pretty awesome. All these couples look fantastic actually. 

I wish there were dances for adults. We never do fun stuff like this. I'm so glad my kids get to.

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