Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Rock Canyon Classic

(April 13th, 2024)

I know I just posted a Spikeball tournament, but tis the season, I guess. It's amazing the difference a couple weeks will make. Two weeks later, and the weather was perfect. So gorgeous. It's always so fun to walk over the rim of the Rock Canyon bowl and see all the nets and people below.

June was playing with her boyfriend, Chris. Chris is the BF as of a week or so ago. We all like him a lot, in case you're wondering. He's also really good at Spikeball. I think that is how they met, sort of. Met at a friend's apartment and then played Spikeball later and the rest is history, so they say. Pearl and I came to support and cheer. We also got a lot of good listening in while we watched. Notice the headphones. And I took a walk around the bowl now and then to get in some steps.

It's really nice how they put pictures online. I grabbed a couple from there. You can see June's twisty serve.

It was super sunny and I think all of us got some color. Pearl just turns more tan, but the rest of us burned a bit. June sent me a picture of her feet in the evening. Ouch. And I sent her back my spotted diseased feet courtesy of my baretrap sandals. 

I also took some great video and took some photos from them. Chris really likes to dive. And he is really good at it. His dives are actually more dive/rolls, and he gets right back up on his feet. He's really fun to watch. 

Here are a couple other fun moments. June seemed to lose her hat on almost every play. She was lucky Pearl loaned it to her since it saved her from burning her face. 

There was some down time between games. I love this picture of them resting.

June and Chris chose Out of Pocket as their team name. They did such a good job. During pool play they went 3-1 and were first seed. During tournament play, they won their first two matches, but didn't quite get the win. It was close though. Second still looks pretty good. It's the same place she got in the last tournament, but she played in Advanced this time. I'm thinking her stats are looking pretty good right now.

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