Friday, June 6, 2014

Week One is Done

Wow. One week of summer gone already. Systems are working around here. Kids have not mentioned the 'B' word yet. ('Bored', in case you are wondering. And actually Robyn did mention it, but it was on Sunday so I'm not going to count it.) Depending on the week, I will do some daily posts or a nice recap at the end. It really depends on how much time I have on my hands.

Let's see what this week held for us. Monday, we went to the dollar store.

Tuesday, our field trip was to a splash pad. Cheap (free) and easy. (Unless you count putting sunscreen on. Am I the only one who does not LOVE that part of getting ready to go out in the sun?) I forgot my camera, but my phone was handy, as always.

Wednesday, we crafted and made tote bags for Disneyland. We had mouse templates and the kids picked out fabric and each styled their own bag. The older kids did all the drawing and cutting by themselves. Nice. (I used fabric glue to attach the designs.)

I decided I wanted one, so I decorated a bag. When I went back to buy another one for Pearl, they were out. Oops. So I gave her mine and she helped me decorate a larger bag that can be used for any number of things. Here is my beautiful model showing off our finished product.

And Pearl is showing you how the smaller totes work. I am hoping to put snacks and maps in those for each kid.

Thursday, we made Jolly Rancher suckers. This was kind of cheating because we have made these before, but it had been a while and I knew it would be an easy thing to start with. The kids always enjoy choosing their flavor combinations.

They are ready to go in the oven.

And my super squad is ready to eat them.

Friday is movie day. This is a nice way to wind down the week. No planning, no fuss. Just pop a bag of popcorn and let the kids chill. They watched The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl. (Oh Jacob, you were so cute as a kid. You still are cute. Ahem...)

Where was I?

June had a blast at Clear Creek Camp. Look at the group photo.

Don't look too hard for June. She isn't there. I should say that June had a blast at camp, right up until she got sick and had to come home. The Strep God smiled down upon her yet again and blessed her with, well, strep. This is the second time in a month, and I think that is not fair. But I am always telling the kids that life is not fair, so I'd better keep my mouth shut. Poor girl. She was miserable.

I picked her up bright and early Thursday morning. (It was a nice scenic drive for the family.) At least she had three days out there and did some cool activities. She did catch a coveted  pot gut. In fact she said he was a big fat one that almost escaped from her critter trap. And according to her, she was not the first kid to go home. Sad that sometimes things just don't work out as planned.

She took a camera and when I get those photos developed, I'll put them on here.

And so the week ends with one child convalescing and many more adventures to come.

1 comment:

  1. I'm impressed you have found time to do all these things (and blog about them) while getting ready for the big trip. Those bags are adorable. I wonder what I'll have to come up with to carry my stuff around.
