Friday, November 7, 2014

Aunt Ramanda

My sister came to visit the week of Halloween. It was so fun to have her here. She is great with the kids and they adore her. Oddly though, they all seem to call her something different.

I call her Aunt Miranda, but Robyn had trouble saying her name when she was little and it would come out, Aunt Ramanda. Daisy likes to shorten it to Mandy, and Ivory prefers Aunty M. She seems to be fine answering to all the many names we give her.

We had a few things on our bucket list while she was here.

Pumpkin Carving. Check.
Corn Maze. Check.
Halloween Puzzle. Check.

I mistakenly put it out a few hours before Miranda arrived and it seemed like half of it was immediately done. (Or at least all the easy parts. Thanks kids...and Tyler.)

Trick or Treating. Check.
Reading. Check.
She read with someone every day. Usually it was one of the littles, but I think Ivory got some snuggle/read time and Robyn read lots of troll stories with her.

Games and more games. Check.
Miranda always brings us some fun computer games. (Pearl got bonus time since she wasn't in school.) But we had the most fun playing cards with her. We played Ripple and Love Letter a few times with the younger kids.

But the real fun was playing Mao. We played it time and time again.

If you have never played Mao, you should really come over. It is the most delightful frustration you will love to hate.

Did I mention the kids loved her? They wrote her notes and drew her pictures in true Cazier-girl fashion. She got notes and candy right up to the very end.

June drew this picture. It says, "I don't want to leave the Caziers." The feeling was mutual.

I guess she just needs to come and visit again real soon.


1 comment:

  1. I am SO glad she had a good time while she was there. I think both of us wish we lived closer and could visit more often. Maybe at some time in the future . . .
