Saturday, August 26, 2017

America of Hope

Stepping into the past again for a minute. Last May was Hope of America again, but this time for Ivory. We were on a good schedule to be in the flag for the rest of the kids, but since we moved schools, Ivory was in the yellow. (Daisy and Pearl will probably be there as well.) But I realized it doesn't really matter. The program is fun no matter where your kid sits.

We came a little early to make sure we were on time. Not surprising what you will find us doing...

I did take a moment to sneak over and get a picture of my cute Ives. Here she is with Ember and Rachel. I may have taken a cougar tail over to share with them. Yum.

If you are looking at the flag, Ivory was off to the right.

While waiting for the program to start, I looked around and spotted someone I knew. (Jonny. Easy target.) I couldn't help myself. I took a picture of him and sent it to him along with the message, "I'm watching you."

It was funny to watch his head pop up and start looking around. I think Tyler is starting to rub off on me. I don't really think of myself as a prankster.

They had some of the traditional entertainers: The old women dancers. (I'm sorry. After going to see this three times, you'd think I would know their name now, but I always come up blank. They are just the senior dancers. They still have the same lady doing the splits at the end.)

And the Green Man Group. These were Robyn's favorite. They always do a great job. But I would not want to wear stuff over my face. Claustrophobia much.

As usual, they always have a bit of a challenge getting everyone in their seats. The lady was so funny. She told everyone that it was almost time to take the picture, so if anyone needed to use the bathroom, they should hurry and do that. Suddenly there was a mass exodus. I think she was expecting a few people instead of dozens. I took a picture when many of the kids had exited and she was changing her mind and calling them all back.

They eventually got everyone in their designated position. Looking good guys. Although every other year there have been kids up top. I wonder if we just had a smaller group this time around?

The program was similar, but I believe they shortened it in places. They still had their fun dance moves and the song with the sunglasses. (America Rocks!!)

And they ended with the flashlight song. That one is always cool to watch, although with cell phones, the audience has as many lights as the kids.

I also like the effect when the camera doesn't focus.

Check it out. It was still light outside when we left. Amazing. It is about time they got the program to a reasonable time limit. Ives did such a great job. It was really fun to go and watch her.  These kids really are the Hope of America.

1 comment:

  1. Aren't the old women called something like the Golden Girls? I remember enjoying them very much the one time I got to see this performance. Guess you'll get to go at least two more times for Daisy and Pearl. Glad Ives had such a good time.
