Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Summer's Out for School

We didn't even take a breath between Summer and school. One day, the kids are in Idaho and we are watching the eclipse and the next moment, everyone's grabbing a backpack and heading out the door. (Or at least that is how it feels.)

There have been years where everyone was ready to go back to school. This is not one of those years. I don't think we were quite done playing. It has been such an amazing Summer. (Not that you know because I haven't blogged about most of it, but trust me.) But school and homework wait for no child. When the bell rings, you come running.

We went to Back to School Night last week for the Bigs and last night for the Littles. I, of course, have been back to school for a couple weeks now making copies galore. I definitely feel useful.

It will take us a while to get back into a good morning routine but all the faces at the table were pleasant this morning and I got lunches made on time. We even left a little early and didn't forget pictures. We are on a roll! Let's look at all these cuties headed off to expand their brains and horizons...

Pearl is getting so big. I can't believe she is in 2nd Grade already. I remember thinking June was so old when she got there. Pearl is already reading very well and is great at Math. I think she will have an excellent year.

Daisy had the most changes in the oral department. Check out her picture from last year. She still had her baby teeth. They finally came out, but only one adult tooth has bothered to grow in. We believe there is another one in there, but have yet to see a sign of it.

Ivory rules the school this year. She is one of the big oldest kids. She is still doing A.L.L. and is excited to see all her friends again. No gymnastics this year, so I'm thinking she will have plenty of time for all that extra homework.

Robyn is no longer the new kid in Jr. High. She has it down. She is taking Jazz Band along with Percussion and I am looking forward to some awesome concerts. I'm totally digging her new transparent glasses.

Finally Miss Ambition herself. June is loaded down with honor classes and a schedule to keep two people busy. But if anyone can do it, she can. She has a positive attitude when it comes to almost everything...except bedtime. She tends to ignore that one. She is living life so fully, it must be hard to sleep.

I'm so proud of all my kids. They work hard and do their best. They aren't perfect, but I love their imperfections. It is what makes them...my kids.

p.s. I included honorary son Radi in filling out a list a favorites, but he didn't make the 'bus' this morning since we left early. I'll try to get a picture of him and put it on here. He has been one of the things that made Summer so sweet this year.

Here we go. It wasn't the first day of school, but we got him eventually.

1 comment:

  1. You certainly can tell you have a household of girls with so many of them favoring the color pink. Hope they all have a wonderful year in school - and hope I can come visit them again soon!
