Monday, August 28, 2017

Daisy's 9 Year Gallery

Hahaha. You may think this is an old post waiting to happen. You would be wrong. Daisy's pictures got pushed back due to summer busyness like Girls Camp and Texas. I almost forgot about them entirely, but luckily there are cute pictures of my kids on the side bar of my blog that remind me that I need to update.

I put it in the calendar and Daisy didn't even know we were going. I simply said, "Get ready, we're going to take pictures." Happily, my kids are almost always up for a photo shoot. (Probably because there are treats at the end.)

I had just been on BYU campus several times for Education Week, so I was loving the beauty there and I knew Daisy would dig the candy at the bookstore. Stupidly, there was a BYU game the same afternoon that I went to take her pictures. This is further proof that I have no clue about sports events, or I would have gone somewhere else.

I know I haven't even blogged about her birthday, but this beauty turned nine over the summer.

Daisy is such a joy in our family. She has a gentle heart with a tendency to slide toward forgetfulness. That probably makes it easier for her to forgive the rest of us. Her teeth are the right now. Her one snaggletooth kills me. I remember Robyn having the same problem with her front teeth.

She is sensitive, kind, and an organizer at heart. I just adore this little one. Who frankly, is not so little anymore. Enjoy her cute personality and pictures.

I was not wrong in thinking that she would love the candy counter. The best part is that she loves the cheap stuff as well. She wanted a bag of Frooties more than anything. (Those are simply fruit flavored tootsie rolls.)

Of course, we had to organize them and figure out all the flavors. I think she liked the pink ones the most. (Those include strawberry, watermelon, and strawberry lemonade.)

It was a great trip and a great afternoon. Hanging out with my girls is a favorite.

1 comment:

  1. All of your kids are adorable - and Daisy is no exception. How nice you were finally able to celebrate her special day.
