Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Daisy Debut

(May 10 & 12, 2022)

Going back in time today, quite a bit, to keep you on your toes. This is actually a really important post that led to another important post that has yet to be written. (I was really good at getting caught up and then I never finished the Mays...) That is a confusing way to say, some actions led to other actions and in this case, it involves singing and song writing. Let's just jump right in, shall we?

May is all of the end of year concerts. I already blogged about the dance concert ages ago. (yay) But we need to catch the choir and band concerts. Let's start with Daisy's choir concert. And let's start with Daisy's solo!! Yep, you heard that right. Here's how it works: The kids are assigned to do a solo or ensemble number. They all perform and then they vote on the best ones and Mrs. Wagstaff chooses which ones to include in the final concert. She usually puts in two or three from each choir. Daisy thought about it for a while and decided she wanted to do a solo, but not just any solo. She wanted to do an original song that IVORY wrote. Wow! Ivory wanted it sung a certain way, so they spent time together getting it right. And it was definitely right because it was an instant hit. Everyone voted for her and Daisy was a shoe-in for the final concert.

Ivory came and played the piano, since it was her song. They were listed on the program. 

I could not have been more proud. It was so awesome. Later in the week, some girl came into the library and asked me to help her find the song on Spotify. I was sorry to disappoint her, but it's never been professionally recorded. But here is the version we recorded that night.

Awesome huh? Daisy also sang with the Early Morning Advanced Girls. 

And with the Concert Choir. (Made up of 8th grade boys and girls.)

At the end, Ivory went up and sang with the Accapella choir as a alumni choir member. Pretty cool that Mrs. Wagstaff does that.

But of course, the best part of that concert (hands down) was these two. Totally epic.

Two days later, we had concerts overlap. First up was Robyn's end of year Jazz band and Percussion concert.  Jazz Band is always so snazzy, although some of their songs get a little long. Robyn did a great job on the piano and I believe you can see her do several piano glissandi (which is the plural of glissando on the piano. I looked it up.)

Then she played with the Percussion. I think she is on the Xylophone. I don't actually know since I had to leave to attend the other concert that evening. But this is a fun Super Mario medley they do.

Goodbye band. Robyn loved being in all the stuff. Jazz, Marching, and regular band. It was such a great experience for her and I'm really glad she was able to participate in all it had to offer.

One more concert. It was Ivory's choir concert that same evening. She was in Con Brio at the time, singing soprano. (She still sings soprano, to be clear.) The Con Brio dresses are very glittery, and I think the girls wanted to get a tad bit of revenge. So they got Mr. Taylor a sparkly gold dinner jacket to wear. And to his credit, he put it on and has worn it at every performance where the girls wear the sparkly dresses. He is a good sport.

Looks like we got them all. Just a couple years late. ðŸ˜¬

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