Wednesday, November 22, 2023

The Last 6th Grade Graduation

(May 20th, 2022)

Since I just reached back into the depths of the forgotten blog, let's stay back here for a minute and get some really old posts into the light. Pearl is currently in 8th grade. It seems bizarre to look back at when she graduated from Elementary school, but I never got it blogged, so now the pictures will find a permanent home in Cyberspace and hopefully a blog book as well. Granted, no one will be able to find them but such is the life of a slow blogger. 

It's actually really fun to look back and see how much Pearl has changed in just a year and a half. Time changes children so much. Sixth grade graduation seems a little silly to me, but it is a big step to leave Elementary school behind and I was honestly so excited to not be split among so many schools. In some ways, I graduated too. 

Miss Orem came to speak to the kids and I was surprised to see it was a girl from June's graduating class, Claire Inouye. It was fun to see a familiar face. 

There were more speakers than I expected but it went fairly quickly and soon enough they were calling names and having kids walk across and receive their certificate and fist bump the 6th grade teachers. Pearl loved her teacher Mrs. Jensen. I was really happy that both Daisy and Pearl had her.

There was a cute slideshow at the end where they put up each student and what they wanted to be when they grow up. I wholeheartedly approve of Pearl's desire.

The kids put together some thank you stuff for the Principal, Mrs. Park. Pearl got to be one of the people to thank her over the mic. She really was a fantastic principal and her love of lemons will be missed.

Afterward, we got some pictures of our cutie. So grown up and beautiful. And moving on to bigger things.

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