When the summer started, I told Tyler that the only thing I really wanted was a bike. Well, 21 days after summer ended, I got it. Truthfully, I had given up and I was going to make another request next summer, so I was thrilled when we went to the store and Tyler said, "Let's go over and get you a bike." He may be hesitant because I have a history of injuring myself on such devices. Oh to be graceful. Instead, I suffer from short legs and I fall much more often than I would like. My knees are riddled with scars from my childhood biking days. Probably against his better judgment Tyler took me out and immediately started teaching me to jump the curb. It wasn't pretty but there was no blood...yet. But this leads towards fulfilling a lifelong dream of mine. I have always imagined my whole family out for a day on our bikes. On Sunday Tyler held Ivory while Robyn and June rode along beside us. It was a piece of heaven for me.
So if you see a purple blur going by your house, it is probably not me. I still ride rather cautiously.
Love it! I, too, have a purple bike and it makes me happy. I'm glad your dreams of a famly bike ride are being realized! If you want to go on an extended bike ride let me know and you guys can borrow my bike trailor. My kids love it!
On the other hand, there's not a high likelihood of having me blur past anybody's house because 1) I usually ride with my kids and blurring sort of defeats the purpose and 2) Even when I'm riding alone, blur is not a verb people might articulate at such a sight. To be sure, we are now a family of bicyclers, and we've got the wheels to prove it.
I love your new wheels. I have also had the dream of going on family bike ride. I think Tyler thinks I bike is a lot like horse so he won't let me near them. I love purple bike, now you need basket and bell. Than I can sing the song from the Wizard of Oz when you ride you bike.
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