Thursday, January 5, 2012

Good Intentions

I have been thinking a LOT about New Year's Resolutions. I love to make them. My favorite is something like, have a baby this year, when I am already pregnant. It's all about setting realistic, attainable goals.

This year I think I have too many floating through my head, so I am only going to make ONE goal. Yep, you heard me. ONE goal. I want to focus on that one thing and see if I can accomplish it. Here it is:

I have struggled with Scripture study in the past. I am not sure where to focus my energy. There are so many good books and manuals out there. But Tyler has come up with a study schedule that will help me use the good materials on hand while narrowing my point of focus. I am really looking forward to studying, instead of just reading.

But...there are still plenty of other things that should not be neglected. So, I give you my intentions for the year. These aren't goals, per se. I intend to do them, but I don't want to be bogged down worrying about all my goals falling through holes.

Maleen's Intentions for 2012
(in no particular order)

1. Check in with Mint Weekly (This is our finance tracker that I am not so great about tracking)
2. Do a learning activity with Daisy once a week
3. Blog 3 x's a week
4. Take one child on a date each month
5. Do Scripture study with the kids in the morning (7am—I can do this, I can do this)
6. Have a FHE centered around service each month
7. Possibly learn a home improvement thing (I'm thinking chandelier in the kids room)
8. Maintain all the fabulous stuff I do (holiday stuff, birthday pictures, creative happenings)
9. Read 12 books (Is this cheating because I have a book group? No, it's realistic)
10. Find some exercise plan I like (I really don't know what it is yet)

I think that is plenty of intentions for now. I don't think I have ever blogged about resolutions (or real ones) before. Maybe this is the start of something beautiful. Or it could be a big flop. Tyler told me that he read a statistic that 85% of resolutions are dead by March 15. I'll let you know how it goes....

1 comment:

Emma Jo said...

I like the word "intentions" better thank resolutions anyway. (PS we have the same color of scriptures...and the bizarro twins live on. I refuse to open mine up to see if I have the same scriptures marked because that would just creep me out and of course have nothing to do with them just being excellent verses.) In any case, maybe you should list your intentions on your side bar so you will have to be accountable for them to everyone that will be checking your blog, at least three times a week.