Thursday, February 23, 2012

Mustaches, Bad Dogs, and Smiles that Kill Me

Not sure why silly mustaches on my children (or anyone) makes me laugh. Robyn sported this one:

In other not so funny news, my nephew Hinckley was attacked by a dog. It was not a good encounter and he had his mouth torn apart pretty well resulting in 40 stitches inside and 30 more outside. The dog was a Labrador (surprising, I know) and no, I don't know what has happened to the dog. The owner was still out of town last I heard.

The children and I made some pictures and cards for Hinckley and sent them back with Grandma. We hope he heals quickly. But he sure is a tough kid. Word is that he NEVER cried. Which is pretty amazing since I almost cried looking at the pictures of him. Ouch!

I made a hidden picture thing for him. They aren't hidden per se so much as part of the art work. I really enjoy making them. And the kids like to find the things dispersed inside. Would you like to try? You might click on it to make it bigger.

Then see if you can find:
Fish eating each other
Gun w/bullet
Darth Vader
music note

There might be more...

Lastly, and back on a happier note, this smile gets me every time.

Daisy and her blanket. She would take that thing everywhere if I would let her.

In fact, I got scowled at when I took it away from her at dinner. I didn't bother to move it this morning at breakfast. I knew better.

If you are wondering, Daisy is much better in many regards. She does not get into trouble daily. She helps all the time with Pearl and she is still just as tender hearted as always. She does have problems when parents leave. She tends to be pretty shy. Her Sunbeam teachers are still wondering why she is so sad in class. I hope she can become a bit more outgoing before she starts Pre-school in the Fall.

But at home, she is almost all smiles and silliness.


¡Vieve! said...

Ha ha that mustache is awesome. Poor Hinckley! That's awful, I hope he feels better soon.

CarrieLu and Madi too said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your nephew, how scary and terrible. What a tough boy he is. The Hinkley sign is so cool! Daisy is cutie!!

Cindy B said...

I love that hidden picture thing! What a great idea! I'm sorry about your poor nephew. I've heard that those are the most common dog for bites, because most kids aren't scared of them and get too close. And because they are such common dogs. I hope he recovers quickly. Ellen got a nasty dog bite when she was little that she still remembers. It was scary. No stitches, but a black eye.

meganmushrat said...

I found everything except the apple - but I did find an ice cream cone that wasn't listed. I had no idea you were so talented!