Tuesday, April 25, 2017

March is So Last Month


Is this thing on??

Are you still there?

I'm back.

I've been living life a thousand miles a minute and it has been great. Of course, I watch  my blog list grow and grow with each new adventure. Looks like I will have something to do all summer. (You know, besides playing with the kids non-stop.)

So, where were we??

Ah yes...back in March.

Today seems like a good day to get all those extra pictures taken care of. So begins a random phone dump...

Dr. Seuss day was sometime back there in March. Naturally, I was completely unprepared and the kids wanted to dress up. We came up with this impromptu costume idea for Daisy.

Pearl, luckily threw a tantrum and lost her privilege to dress up, thus saving me from having to come up with another costume. (Who says drama can't work in your favor?)

I have been promising Pearl (and Daisy) that I would teach them to crosstitch this summer. Pearl saw an opportunity and pounced on me one afternoon. I figured it couldn't hurt to try a few months early and two new stitchers emerged. They are actually quite good for beginners.

June and I continue to work on our matching project. I stay ahead, but just barely.

Daisy got her hair cut last month. It is so normal to me now, I forgot she got it cut recently. She is such a cutie and the short locks fit her perfectly.

This is Thatcher. We watched him one afternoon as his family packed to move. He was such a delight. So inquisitive and he spoke very well. I'm sad his family won't be in our neighborhood anymore.

One day we had quite a few chickens in our yard. I know my neighbors have chickens, but they usually don't come as far as our yard. We chased them off, although one stayed longer and we had to pick it up and take it up to them. Naturally, we put Robyn in charge of that. She was a little hesitant to wrangle a chicken.

Ironically, the chickens didn't belong to the people I thought they did. They were owned by my back neighbors. I feel a little foolish delivering their chicken to a different neighbor, but in my defense, they all look the same to me....like chickens. (I think the chickens made it back to their original owners, but I don't know that for sure.)

Here is another amazing art piece by the Juniper. The actual big art show happened last week, so I already know how the awards went, but I won't spoil anything for you. You'll have to wait patiently, and trust me...it is worth the wait.

Track should be its own post, but I was not very camera happy this year. Some of the track days were quite gloomy and rainy. June ran the mile and 800 and did a great job, but she wasn't quite as fast this year. She is not running in Alpine Days this year, but I loved going to the meets to watch her and cheer her on. She is still a good runner. I think she will still choose to run Cross Country this summer.

Since we are still focusing on June and her endeavors, let's add how great she is getting at the violin. It is really entertaining and enjoyable to listen to her practice. I love going to her lesson each week and sitting for an half hour listening to her and her teacher play duets together. One particular day I noticed that they were both standing in a similar pose. It was funny enough that I took a picture.

In normal Daisy fashion, her front teeth refuse to come in. She lost them back in October and still they haven't broken through the gums. I'm not holding my breath. I'm sure they will come through in their own sweet Daisy time frame. In the meantime, she decided to go and lose another tooth.

This girl can't bite into anything. She has such a huge gap in the front. I measured and it is 3/4 of an inch wide. Impressive. Any bets on whether she will lose that last front tooth before anything grows in?

Robyn and I went on a date to see the Spring Play. It was Madame is Murdered, Tea Will be Late. The kids did such a great job. The microphones weren't the best. The dialogue was lost now and then, but we managed to follow the general plot. I loved that there was a picture of the drama teacher, Mr. Oquendo, on the wall.

Robyn found Briana after the show. Her nickname is Batman. Robyn could never remember her name although she could recall that it started with a 'B'. She finally decided to dub her Batman. So, now when they are together it is Batman and Robyn.

Spring means writers' camps. Robyn went last year to the Tween Author Boot Camp. June is old enough for the official Teen Camp. She was very excited to spend the entire day going to workshops. (That is how my kids roll.) Although she was alone, she had plenty of friends that she found later that day.

This is probably one of my most random pictures. Daisy lined up the chalk and colored the boards just a bit under each color. Very creative...until it rained. Oh well...there is always more chalk.

I lied. This picture is more random. We found a camel with an udder in our animal crackers. And yes...June is photobombing the camel.

And finally, Flibble got an upgrade. Ivory petitioned for rocks and plants in his bowl. I think it looks great and Mr. Flibble seems very happy with his expansion.

Phew...So much more to blog. Baby steps.

Next up...The end of Science Fair.

1 comment:

meganmushrat said...

I think I enjoy your random phone-dumping more than your more organized blogs. It's like looking into a little slice of the Cazier life. I love it!