A few years ago, we adopted the crack-off as our signature event. It is ridiculously fun and we have incorporated it wherever we can. Tyler even arranged a work crack-off. The first year was sparsely attended but more people get involved every year. I didn't bring a camera (don't look so shocked), but we all had a great time. Perhaps my favorite throw of all time was done by Genevieve. She had never participated before (so she didn't know quite what to expect) and I have never seen an egg explode like hers. I thought there was NO WAY that either egg could come out intact, but sure enough, one egg came away unscathed. It wasn't Genevieve's unfortunately. No, her egg lay there, oozing liquid (which is impressive coming from a hard-boiled egg). The rest of the competition was tame after that. Ron (who I don't know well) took the win and was quite surprised. But in this game, you never can tell. I haven't found a good strategy yet, so I still chalk it all up to luck.
Then in the evening, we had our family crack-off which really consists of friends until we feel the girls are ready to have their eggs break (we don't think this is the year yet). We had some excellent entries in the decoration category. Everyone thinks so differently when it comes to decorating eggs, and I love the variety.
Hands down, Heather Ure took the prize though. I have never seen an egg come in costume, but I loved it. Here is Mr. Sp'egg'tacle.
After the judging, it was a mad smashing affair. The eggs certainly don't last long. Here is Keri facing off with Darin.
She looks confident, but it was not to be. Darin ended up as our grand champion with his egg 'The King.'
Afterwards, we played a little Mafia and then settled into Curses. With the right people, this game is freaking hilarious and we had a good crowd. The curses were piled on top of each other until it got a bit crazy. I think this is Keri trying to hold her nose, keep her elbows straight, swat mosquitos, and perhaps cackle at the same time (I honestly can't remember all the curses she had by this point).
I gave up when I got the curse to imitate everything that the person next to me was doing. Since Tyler and I were loaded to the hilt with curses, I happily threw in the towel after a few minutes.
Here are a few shots of all the couples. Please forgive weird expressions (I think John Ure was talking in French with his teeth clenched when I caught him).
It was a very fun night and we want to thank our friends who came and we missed those who couldn't attend. However, my parents are in town in a week or so, and they were sad to miss the crack-off so we may be doing it all again...stay tuned (who says you can only break eggs at Easter time?).
p.s. Pictures of cute kids and easter egg hunts coming shortly.
Thanks for the very fun night! It rocked! We love hanging with you and the stallion!
How fun! Okay, for us ignorants, what are the rules to your crack-off event? I'm thinking of doing an adult Easter party next year complete with adult Easter egg hunt, and maybe I could incorporate the crack-off if I knew how to play.
Crack-off Rules are fairly simple:
* When two eggs are rolled into each other, only one will crack.
* The egg that doesn't crack is the winner.
* You should use hard-boiled eggs that do not have anything extra added to strengthen them (such as stickers, tape, etc.)
* We use a bracket system to pair people up until everyone has had a chance to face off. The winner is the one whose egg did not crack. (Depending on how many people you have, you may have a loser's bracket and someone may be able to come back and win it all. We usually have everyone bring three eggs each. That seems to cover it.)
* There are no specific rules about how you roll. I guess a flat surface would help and if the eggs do not hit each other (this happens often) be ready to catch them, so they don't fall and crack on their own.
* We also like to have a decoration competition, but that is purely optional. And naming the eggs makes it much more fun when you face off. For ex. 'The King' vs. 'I was almost a chicken'.
* Have fun (this is the most important rule).
Moment of silence for my sad egg.
WASP means White Anglo Saxton Protestant-but more importantly, its one of the east coast people who are super preppy.
It was great!! Thanks for inviting me to the Crack-Off at work. That was too fun!!
Thanks! We just might use that at next year's adult hunt. Sounds so fun!
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