Here are the older girls getting ready to hunt.
Here is Ivory with her game face on.
She really liked the pixie sticks and she would go from one to the next until she had a whole handful.
I like this picture, just because she is really working for the candy.
Heaven knows they all had a full basketful (I was suddenly wishing we had gone to a bigger hunt where you only have a chance at about 4-6 eggs max).
Then my favorite part...the donuts. They usually have a fairly good variety. We chose a spot in the sun because it was still a bit chilly (after all, it is still March).
I watch every year to see which kid will spill their drink. There is a lip on the table that is cleverly disguised by the table cloth, so some poor unsuspecting kid tips her cup every year. And the winner was Ivory. Even watching for it, I was still unable to stop the inevitable. Too bad they don't actually have absorbent napkins there. But once again, I shan't complain because I moved the camera just in time and no real damage was done.
We came home and had our family hunt shortly after. Mainly I was excited to hide the eggs and the girls were ready for more searching. I was pretty cheap, only putting two jelly beans in each egg, because by this point I figured the sugar would last for weeks. There were a few key prizes, such as cadbury eggs and chocolate bunnies, but the goal of this hunt was to make you feel you had done well. And everyone came away with a full basket. Here are some pics.
I think they had a good time. And then I am such a great mom that I made them empty all their jelly beans into one bowl so we could share them later. My kids must think I am the candy Nazi (they are right).
Next year, I think I may put money in the eggs (then they can buy their own candy). But it was a happy Easter overall. We usually have a family hunt for our chocolate bunny, but we skipped that this year (I still HAVE the bunny, but it may be my job to eat it all by myself).
WOW!! That sounds like so much fun!! We had a Easter Egg Hunt at my parents for the grandchildren--I think that it would be great to have big kid hunt, next year!!
Looks like loads of sugary fun.
(and I've love to watch other women scramble around for coupons....that must be a Utah sport...)
Why didn't I think of putting only two jelly beans in each egg??? Or money? My kids aren't big on candy, and I don't like it laying around (cuz then I eat it) - thanks for the ideas for next year! :)
I've never been to an easter egg hunt in my life-and this makes me want to go to one! Maybe we should throw one next year, for the big peoples.
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