Monday, October 14, 2019

Music in the Parks 2019

Three years running I've been helping out with Music in the Parks. It is such a fun day and I'm glad I've been able to share it with my kids. We were over at the school by 7:15 am. I got my chaperone group. It was mostly Jazz Band kids, so I got my own kid this time. Last year, I wasn’t with Robyn. This year, I was in Mrs. Taylor’s bus and helping her check off kids. We went to Farmington High School first where the Symphonic Band played. Then Viewmont where the Jazz Band played. Last year I had to go pick up tickets at another school and missed all the performances, but this year I got to stay and listen. First up was Symphonic Band. This piece is entitled Curse of the Pharaohs. Robyn was on the bass drum, although the picture after it shows Robyn on the chimes. It must have been from a different number.

Next up, Jazz Band. I may have fallen asleep during a guitar ensemble and didn’t wake up until after an orchestra played. They was a bit boring. Jazz band was amazing though playing Bringing Down the House. This is a great group of kids and probably Mrs. Taylor's favorite band. Not just these kids, but Jazz Band in general. Robyn played the piano all year and did a great job. See if you can hear her in the number. (Listen at the end.)

From the performance, we packed up and headed to Lagoon for a day of fun. No June this year (although she thought about paying for her own ticket and coming). Robyn wanted to hang out with me, but she wanted someone with us, but her good friend, Bella, was hanging out with a guy. But Lily wanted to join us and that was perfect. Lily is a blast. She hung out with us two years ago. We were a good group. Check out these smiles. (Please also notice Lily's funny shirt. It really says Hello.)

We actually didn’t get on that many rides. We spent time eating, and playing games. Here we are stopped for lunch.

We played Concentration 64 quite a bit, but we spent a lot of time on the Costco game. We had some great moments, most of me gasping and scaring everyone when I saw something I was looking for. Robyn told me to find someone wearing 90% pink. Hard. But when we were over by Rattlesnake rapids, I saw this little girl. Pink bow, pink shirt, pink shorts, and grey shoes with a pink swoosh. I pointed and gasped and this park worker worked thought I was pointing at him. I was so proud that I found 90% pink.

Then later, Robyn told me to find a guy with the Incredibles logo. Every time I saw someone wearing red, I kept hoping they would turn around. Sure enough, while in line for the Spider, this guy in line behind us turns and he is wearing the Incredibles logo. Like it was MADE for me. Big gasp again. But I was so proud. Here are the girls on the Spider.

These two are characters. It was really fun spending the day with them.

The best was the one I gave Robyn. I told her she had to find someone singing and be able to identify the song. When she was in the bathroom I heard someone singing Froyo. When she was getting dinner, I heard someone singing the Star Spangled Banner. She missed them both. But then in line for Terror Ride, she heard someone behind us singing Jolene. I almost didn’t believe her, so I asked the lady behind us if they were singing Jolene. Sure enough. Boom. The Terror Ride is pretty cheesy, but I told the girls it was important to go once. 

We had to get ice cream. It is a tradition, even though the ice cream shop still smells really weird. While eating, we even saw a peahen that came up pretty close.

It was a really fun day, and our school killed it at the awards. We swept everything. We got first in everything I think, and several overall awards, and the spirit award at the end. It was crazy. It must have been a good last year for Mrs. Covington.  

We had an extra meal ticket, so we got a Funnel Cake to share at the end. So delicious. It was so great to have Lily. She is so funny and she packs away the food. Good girl. Sadly, she moved to CA this last summer. That is a total bummer. We will miss her.

Lagoon is an interesting place, but always made better by who you go with. I've enjoyed every trip so far. Thanks for the laughs, screams, awards, and a gazillion things to look for in the Costco game!

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