Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Re: I Will Forsake My Kingdom...

¿Qué tal amigos?

Wao this week. Milagros/faith really getting tried.

On Wednesday I got to talk to President. That is always one of my favorite parts of the entire transfer. President understood my situation and difficulties perfectly and gave me some really good advice.

One thing we talked about was teaching intentionally. Purposefully guiding the lesson in such a way so that at the end, the person you're teaching is extending the commitment to themselves because they arrived at it themselves through your teaching and the Spirit's whispering. I want to be that missionary so bad. I want to figure out how to teach in that way every lesson.

I have had a really good example my whole life. My dad is really good at teaching intentionally. He approaches normal life as teaching opportunities and expertly asks questions to get his kids to arrive at the thing he was trying to teach us without him outright saying it. That makes the learning experience much more memorable and valuable.

We have a friend named Mayka. She's been on and off date, wanting to get baptized but then scared or unsure. I wanted so bad to get her back on date, but we had already seen that us explaining why she needed to get baptized wasn't gonna cut it. So I tried implementing President's advice.

We taught a lesson on faith, guided her with the scriptures, and at the end asked her what she wanted to do next to act in faith. Her answer: "get baptized". She picked her date.

That was an awesome experience. It was the Spirit, not me, but I'm grateful that I got the chance to participate and learn something about being intentional.

Speaking of being grateful, I hope you guys had a fantastic Thanksgiving! We ate mofongo as a district to celebrate because it's... kinda like stuffing? The closest we could get, anyway. I'm grateful for my awesome family (including extended family --- special shout out to the Kelly's who I got to talk to on Thanksgiving since my family was at their house!). And more than anything, I'm grateful for my Savior and His perfect love. I'm grateful that He paid the price so that He can reach out to each of us in mercy. I'm grateful for the opportunity to be a missionary right now and proclaim the good news of the gospel.

We have another friend named Victor. Victor is golden. He is reading his Book of Mormon every day. He wants to get baptized. He has a job that he desperately needs because he's paying for his sick mom's treatment, but this job requires him to work on Sunday mornings.

We had a call with him on Friday night and he was practically in tears because he couldn't come to church. We decided to start a fast right then (even though it was almost 10pm) for 24 hours for Victor to have some way to go to church.

I poured my heart into this fast. I was praying constantly and sincerely. I have never had so much faith about something as I did about this. I was so sure that God was gonna soften Victor's boss's heart. I had no doubt that God would provide a way for Victor to go to church on Sunday. 

Victor's boss said no. None of his coworkers were willing to trade him shifts. He worked Sunday. He didn't come to church.

Let me tell you something honestly. That sucked. I had a lot of faith that this prayer was gonna get answered, and it didn't. I felt like I had faith possible to move mountains, and it didn't even bring to pass one little "sure, you can have tomorrow off". I don't understand why God didn't answer my prayer. I don't understand why God didn't give us this one little miracle when it was the desire of our hearts and we were united in faithful fasting and prayer.

BUT. This much I do understand: God is perfect. He has perfect love for His children. He has a perfect plan. His plan didn't end up with Victor at church this Sunday. Maybe that was to test my faith. Maybe it's to see just how far Victor is willing to leap in faith --- on Saturday night when we ended our fast he said that he was thinking seriously about leaving his job. I don't know the reason that we didn't see the miracle I wanted, but I do know this for certain: God was listening. Every single one of those soul wrenching prayers that I offered up, He heard. He loves me, He loves Victor, and I'm not done believing just because what I wanted and really thought was gonna happen didn't happen this week. God's time is not my time, nor are His ways my ways.

And faith isn't about understanding, anyway. It's about believing in things which are not seen, which are. Alma 32:21.

God blessed us with a different miracle on Sunday. Not one of the many people we thought we were going to come to church came. But five people we weren't expecting did come. A mom whose kids are members showed up with her sister and her nephew. Her cousin also showed up because we had gotten him as a reference and invited him, and he came! Fun little unexpected family reunion at church. The mom wanted a Book of Mormon and I gave her the one I was carrying around in case something like this happened. She was so happy and is so excited to read it. It warmed my heart to see someone genuinely joyful about receiving the single thing that has impacted my life the most. I am so excited to teach this elect family this week.

Wow, that one was a novel. Congrats if you made it all the way through reading about the journey that was my week. I love you guys and hope you have an awesome week. Remember that God IS listening and the Church IS true. Doesn't matter if you're in the DR, Reno, or Xalapa, God doesn't change and He's got a plan that tops any plan I could think of.

Hermana Cazier 

Re: I Will Forsake My Kingdom...

Can't get a new email to work so here's this week's:

Hola everyone!!! We had a really good week!

Haha actually we had a kinda meh week in most regards but I'm in a really good mood right now so I feel like it was a really good week. And it definitely did have its highlights.

We had an awesome zone conference focusing on the Book of Mormon. This Book truly is the truest book in existence. I know it's true. Not because I prayed about it one time years ago and that's been fueling my testimony since. Because I prayed about it last week. Because I read it every day last week, and every single day I got something I needed out of it, because the Lord knows our needs and can give us what we need through the Spirit when we read the Book of Mormon. Have you had a spiritual experience recently with the Book of Mormon?

If not, go read it.

I put extensions in my comp's hair this week. Now I have a new skill.

I found a dark chocolate candy bar, which I have been unsuccessfully looking for since I got to this country.

I'm out of time. Spend this time you would have spent reading one of my novels reading the Book of Mormon cuz it has better stuff to say than me anyway.

Have a great week! Happy Thanksgiving, I think. I almost forgot that was a holiday.

Hermana Cazier 

Family Photos 2021

(November 14th, 2021)

We took family photos last year in November since we knew we wouldn't be together as a family again for at least a year and a half. Janille was so kind to take us out and we had a great time. I'll show you all the pretty finished photos and then we'll do a little behind the scenes.

Some individuals.

Some of the girls.

I have to admit...I have a good looking family. We were playing and taking some selfies and such while people got individual shots. It was a great afternoon and now I have these lovely memories forever. 

I'm glad we can be our crazy selves together. 

Sunday, November 20, 2022

Becoming the Tin Man

(Marching Band season Aug-Nov 2021)

Many of my 2021 posts will have companions from this year, since we tend to do very similar things each year. But Marching band will not because it was Robyn's last year in 2021. Sad day, but it was a great season. Marching band goes for a long time. They start practices and rehearsals in August and go straight through to September when the competitions begin and all the way through to State in November. Here is the Front Ensemble (and drum line) from last year, or Pit as they are lovingly called.

I can't remember why they practice at night? Most of their competitions are during the day. Oh, Robyn tells me they need to practice on the football field and that is the only time they can get it. 

See, here we go. Hauling around all the equipment is always a process.

The BYU competition is a big one. It happened to be a rainy day, but that doesn't stop the show. Robyn took some pictures of other bands and their cool outfits and props. Oh, and they did pretty well. During the season, they got so many percussion captions, meaning the front ensemble was outstanding.

These guys are dedicated. They even practice on Halloween!

Here are some fun photos of practices, intense props, and shirts that Robyn made for her group. I don't know what the wave is for. There is some secret meaning that Robyn won't tell me. And that's okay for me.

The final competition was down in St. George. They went down and did amazing of course. Here are some pics from the trip.

But I'm sure what you've all been waiting for is the actual performance. I recorded it on family night, when we all get to come and watch. It is a really neat piece and I think it was a great last year for Robyn. The story is about how the Tin man (in the Wizard of Oz) became the Tin Man. Robyn plays the synth. Listen for his heart beat at the beginning and any special sound effects.

A week or so after the last performance, there was an awards night. The band gets together to celebrate all the memories and trophies, cuz there were lots. And naturally, they recognize the seniors as well. That was four years for Robyn. Way to go! And thanks to all the directors (especially Tippetts, Esther, and Tracey) for their support and dedication to the students. 

I had to ask which was her favorite, and this is what she told me:
2. Becoming the Tin Man

And thus ends the marching band years. (Well, they ended last year, but you know what I mean.) I'm so glad Robyn got to be part of the magic!