(December 17th, 2023)
Long gone seems to be the Scoreby's Christmas party. It was the highlight of my holiday season and I really miss it. Instead of lamenting forever, I just decided we would do our own, and we have enough older kids that I planned to make it a family event and everyone could bring a +1.
Tyler and I brought each other, naturally. June and Pearl's plus one fell through, so they invited each other and Daisy brought Liberty, Ivory brought Annika, and Beau brought Analena of course.
We started the evening with some Christmas trivia. I love me some good trivia. I made a quiz with 22 questions. Everyone did pretty well, but June was our winner. Not terribly surprising considering June loves some good trivia too.
Then we played some Minute to Win It games, Christmas style. Everyone drew dice (this is my version of drawing straws) to find which game they would play. Liberty, Tyler, Annika, and Beau drew stacking cups. In retrospect, there were too many cups, but it made it more challenging. The task was to stack all the cups and then take them down again, all using one hand. It was a struggle, but everyone did pretty well. You can't tell from these pictures, but Beau won!
Ivory, Analena, and I drew the next game which was 'Rudolph's Nose.' First, we each put Vaseline on our nose.
Next we put a ribbon in our mouth with a red puffball at the end. The goal was to flip the ball up and hope it would stick to our nose. It was very difficult. It took me time to realize, the shorter the ribbon, the easier the task, but once I got that idea, it was mine for the taking.
We have a video of this, although the stills are awesome with our frog tongues and fluffy hair.
The last game was 'Face the Cookie.' Our last three contestants were June, Daisy, and Pearl. Simple enough. Start with the cookie on your forehead and get it to your mouth without using hands.
In a startling upset, both Daisy and June lost their cookie while Pearl got it in. She had her hands up, but didn't use them. Nicely done.
Then we played the classic Newly-Wed game, called the Oldy-Wed game at the Scoresby's and now called 'How well do you know your friend' for our purposes. Everyone divided up and received questions that their partner also answered for them when they returned to the room. Tyler made up half the questions and I made up the other half. Despite knowing the questions, we did terrible. We almost were the ultimate losers. (Thanks Ivory and Annika for saving our bacon in the end.) I guess it shouldn't be surprising that Beau and Analena did the best. They know each other very well. They won little necklaces that go together.
We also did a fun white elephant gift exchange, but we must have stopped taking pictures. I would say it was a great first annual Cazier Christmas party. Let's do it again next year.