Thursday, February 27, 2020

Cookies with Camille

Around Christmas time, it is hard to find time to do everything you want to do. Sometimes things get bumped down the priority list. We haven't made Christmas cookies for just that reason in quite a while. But when Camille invited us over to make cookies, it went right back up the list. (Having friends to do something with makes it much more important and enticing.)

We split the difference. She got cookie dough and frosting. We brought cutters and coloring. She was kind to host at her house. I think Tyler couldn't make it. I forgot where he was, but it was just the girls and I who went out to do cookies.

We didn't have any fancy frosting or piping bags. Just knives and cookies. I think we actually came up with some pretty good designs, all things considered. Check out some of our cool designs.

Bay is such a good crafter. She will spend a long time getting things just right. She is going to be artsy, I can tell. Look at these cuties.

Ivory came up with some pretty clever ideas. She didn't stick to the knives though. She overachieved and used a toothpick. (Well...she wasn't the only one.) Check out that ice cream cone.

It was really fun to sit, chat, and decorate cookies. That is what the holidays are for. Friends, food, and fun.

We didn't take them all home. We left plenty for Camille's family. We just took two plates with some of our favorites. Can you spot a confetti star and a snail?

Suddenly I really want a sugar cookie. I guess I'll have to make some for St. Patrick's day. Do Leprechauns like cookies as well as gold?

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