Sunday, February 23, 2020

Impromptu Christmas Party

My favorite Christmas Party in December is hands down the Scoresby party. Keri is so creative and comes up with different fun ideas every year and the oldy-wed game and the white elephant gift exchange are always a highlight for me. However, this last year, Keri had work conflicts and the party was canceled. It was such a bummer.

I suddenly had an open evening and a few ideas circulating in my  brain. So at the last minute, I told the girls to each invite a friend (or two) over for an impromptu Christmas party. Some friends could come and others already had plans (it being the Christmas season) but we ended up with a great number.

First, we played the reindeer antler toss. It was actually quite fun and everyone took a turn trying to get a ring on the reindeer. Pearl had a great toss. How do you ring all three?

Tyler decided it wasn't about looping an antler. It was all about making the antlers look good. Ivory looks thrilled.

June had a different approach. She planned on catching the rings instead of sitting there passively. She was pretty good.

Then we did a craft. Ivory found it online and it ended up being so easy and cute. Here are all the supplies. Easy to find. Here is a link since I'm not going into great detail.

Basically loop your yarn around your paper towel roll slice. Cover all the roll with yarn, pull the threads through. Tie the top, stuff a cotton ball inside and trim the excess yarn. Voila. Instant little cotton puff mini beanie. The girls all loved working on it. (Love having a family of crafty girls.)

They didn't take very long and they looked so adorable when they were done.

We had treats somewhere along the way too, but I can't remember what we had. Maybe cider and Stroop waffles. Those are so delicious. Then we ended the evening with a game. We played Candy Cane Spoons. This is a new version of spoons in which you use Candy Canes instead of spoons. In a game of spoons, you try to match four cards, take a spoon, and not be left without one. If you don't get a spoon, you get a letter and spell a word, like...S.P.O.O.N. In Candy Canes spoons, it is much the same. If you don't get a Candy cane, you get a letter. HOWEVER, if you break a candy cane while reaching for it, you get TWO letters. It was really fun to play. Christina smashed a candy cane right away. She got excited and forgot they were fragile. So fun. When you break one, you just put part of the candy cane back on the table. Sometimes you end up with really small pieces.

It was such a fun party. We even remembered to get a group shot. Everyone, put your tiny beanie on your head and show us some jazz hands. Good job.

Gotta love a last minute party and good friends.

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