Saturday, February 29, 2020

December Chatbook 2019

You know what this means people. I am officially cashing out last year. It is wrapped up like a nice little package and left under the tree to be found later in a blog book. It always fills me with much satisfaction to finish a month. And realistically, although I feel miles away from being caught up, it isn't even March yet. (Hahaha, thanks Leap Year.)

So let's jump right into these juicy tidbits left over from one of the craziest months of the year.

Pearl got into my pipe cleaners. (If craft stuff is there, it's going to be used and left out at some point.) I wasn't mad at finding them though because I was so impressed by what she made. Can you see what it is? It's a miniature sleigh and 3 1/2 tiny reindeer. So cool.

It was Daisy's turn to pick our ornament. She fell in love with a whale. He was a little broken, so I brought him home and fixed him. Hopefully, the love will hold. I do think he is quite adorable.

Robyn participated in a fundraiser for art tour. She wasn't very prepared with 'art' so she just made cookies. Her sign says "Buy a cookie! Support a dream" She did pretty well. I think she made about $40, which didn't pay for much of art tour, but that was $40 less dollars that I had to pay.

This picture doesn't need much explanation. Tyler's been growing his hair out and that means sometimes the morning hair is insanely epic.

Ivory was student of the day. Weirdly, they had her whole name listed. It is usually just the first initial, and the other two students that day only had the first initial of their name. Wonder why Ivory was so special?

You may remember Thomas from summer art, who was later given to Daisy for her birthday. My mom requested one, so I made it for Christmas. She wanted blue, so I present George, the blue manatee. Oddly, when he is next to Thomas, Thomas looks pink. I promise he is still grey.

Robyn is a little behind on the driving scene, but she took the test and now can officially drive with an adult in the car. Progress.

We had a funeral at our building at the end of the year. I didn't so much want to remember the funeral so much as how the seating was arranged. I really liked it. And it's my blog, so you get what interests me.

Daisy entered Reflections. I'm so proud of her since she is the only one who got a free theater ticket. (Which we are using soon to go see Matilda.) There was an awards night and she didn't move up at the council level, but I still love all the work she put into her dance. Click back HERE to find the post where it is.

I was at the library (which is actually pretty frequently) and they had a wall of designed snowmen. There were plenty cute ones done by kids, but some where amazing. So I took a picture of my favorites. The last one is unreal. People are so talented.

Tyler and I attended his work Christmas party. I was such a scrooge and I didn't want to stay for the entertainment. But it was going to be some kind of music and it gets too loud and you have to yell to hear each didn't sound fun. But before that, the food and company were great. And the decorations were amazing. There was a huge net over the whole gym with balloons and snowflakes attached. Someone (many someones) spent a lot of time putting that up. Kudos.

I didn't take this picture. Tyler did. But it sure looks funny. The kids don't play Twister often, but they still have fun when they do.

The annual folding of the Christmas Newsletters. Tyler and I write it, but then the girls have to put in some labor too. It is a labor of love.

Robyn got in a mood to create and she made more princesses. Recognize these two? The one on the right may be tricky.

It is Rapunzel and Megaera. She has quite a collection now.

This sunset is amazing. You can get pretty skies all year round.

June took these when they went up to go to the temple. I really like them. It is foggy. We don't get much fog in Utah.

Daisy was asked to come to a different school to dance ballroom. One of their girls was sick and Daisy knew all the steps. I was busy that night, so June took her. I love when my girls support each other.

June said goodbye to Farr's in December. She decided to move to a non-food job. She now works at HOH, which has been terrible for all our wallets. A house full of girls will buy clothes. I don't think she misses scooping ice cream, but she does miss the great people she worked with. Spencer, a coworker left a selfie on her phone so she could remember him. How nice.

I only thought cats sat on warm cars...but apparently chickens do too.

I am way too lazy to go fix this picture and turn it the right way. So you get Sideways Lady in Red. Maybe someday she will be famous for being sideways. This is Robyn's art, by the way. I think you all know I can't draw like that.

Robyn caught this sunset. With the moon and planet, it reminds me of a Star Wars skyline.

Tyler and I celebrated 20 years married. We already celebrated in October of course, but we never turn down another chance to eat out without the children tagging along. (We are good parents.)

Let's wrap up the month with Virginia, or Ginny, as we like to call her. She retired in 2019, after countless years of working at her bank in Dalhart. Tyler always said he was going to come to her retirement party, and he did. He drove all the way to Texas to see Virginia and wish her happy trails in her future. He got some good Texas cooking, but I think all the smiles were for Ginny. We love you!!

And that is the best way to wrap up the year. Happy trails to all y'all!

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