Sunday, March 1, 2020

Wasatch Invitational

Competition 2 of 5. This was Pearl's first official competition. All the events are hosted at the same building because it isn't easy to find a place that can hold the right amount of equipment and space for so many athletes. At least that meant that once we figured it out, we would know what we were doing. It is an hour drive to get there, but it could be out of state, so I'll just be happy it isn't too far away.

This first time, I sat in a lower row and people were constantly walking in front of my camera and video. That was my own fault and the next time I went, I sat higher up. Live and learn. Pearl wasn't sure what she was doing the first time around. She went down to the warm up area and found other people from the gym. It is so nice that the older kids look out for them and help them through new experiences.

This was also the first time Pearl had a competition leo. She got it the day before and wore it for the first time for the competition. It has long sleeves and is sparkly. I think it is very classy. Each gym has their own comp leo. I like most of them. There is only one gym that I really don't like the colors they have, but that is just my opinion.

As always, Pearl does three events. They tell you in advance when her times will be for each event. And they stick pretty close to the schedule. Pearl was on tumbling first. They always get to practice each pass once and then it is the real deal. High five from her coach for doing a good job.

Can you find Pearl flipping in this picture?

I took a video of her first pass because I thought she did a great job.

The scores are posted in different places. You might see them on a large board but it is constantly changing and sometimes you miss them. They also post them outside in a hallway, but I didn't know that until a later competition. Also, this list is deceptive. It looks like Pearl got 11th place, right?

Well, apparently that was a couple groups combined. I was surprised when they announced she got fourth. We'll take it. Good job Pea!

Next up was Double Mini. Pearl was really far away and I couldn't catch any good stills, so I only have the video. I got her first pass because she always says it is so easy. It really is. I even think I could manage it.

Pearl did great. She got second place.

Then she had to wait a while. Her next event wasn't until the afternoon. That meant hanging out with mom, eating snacks, and being a little bored. 

Eventually, it was time for her tramp routine. Same story. They get to do two practice routines and then the third pass is scored.

Her pike was a little low, but she did a great job. When I first looked at the board, I was excited that she got second again, but if you look closer, she tied for first. Fantastic.

It was a really fun day. The medals are different depending on who hosts the event. These medals were all the same, but there was an extra pin if you got first, second, or third.

It takes most of the day for an event like this, but I really don't mind going to watch Pearl. She is confident and strong and I love to see her talents growing all the time. I think tumbling has been a great experience for her. Now we have the first competition under our belts, so we'll know what to expect next time.

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