Saturday, March 7, 2020

Preference 2020 (Evening)

Joanna has done quite a few dances in her time. She has taken lots of pictures and she had a book of poses that work well. Wow! I hadn't even thought that far. I was just going to wing it, but I admit that the book came in handy. She also told me about a place to get cute boutonnieres on short notice and for fairly cheap. Bloomique Flower Studio. And they do the cutest ring corsages for girls, although I will never need to buy one of those. :)

After the day date, the girls had a little time to get ready and then they were back in the car picking up the boys. (News flash: It takes a long time to pick up twenty people.) Christina came and grabbed June. These girls are such cuties.

I went over to the photo location to wait for them. I went early to get a lay of the land and then I waited a long time and watched the sun go down. So much for natural light.

I had a blast taking their pictures. They had a great group and everyone looked wonderful. We did group shots and a little bit of everything. These pictures make me smile.

The group wanted to take a serious picture. Jenna made the funniest face. It makes me laugh every time I look at this picture.

June and Xavier look so handsome.

While I took couple pictures, all the others played this Swedish foot game. It is fun to watch girls attempt this in heels. :)

I took plenty of pictures of the boys, but I didn't include them all because I think the girls are prettier. And my daughter is in there. But I promise we didn't neglect the boys.

Afterwards, I followed them back to Christina's house. They put their orders in for Pacos and Joanna and I frantically made them all. There were supposed to be at least two other moms to come over and help, but no one else showed up. But we made a great team and all the kids seemed to enjoy their meal. I didn't take any pictures at dinner because I was busy and had already taken a few photos that night.

I left when everyone was fed and the group split and some played games and other went to the dance early. They all had a great time, I hear. At the very end of the night, they came to our house for dessert. It was crumble cookies cut into small pieces so you could sample all of them if you wanted.

Several people arrived very late. The last group showed up right before midnight and then basically it was time to take people home. I'm not sure everyone made curfew. I know June didn't. They'll have to plan better next time, but I would call the evening a success. Thank goodness it is boy's choice next. Phew.

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