Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Super Daisy

Super powers include:

Being absolutely adorable.

Giving sweet hugs (usually to avoid having her nose wiped).

Eating Peas.

Faster than a pregnant mommy. (Or Daddy with a camera.)

Scaling tall chairs (or anything climbable).

Pretending to play quietly while secretly getting into trouble.

Ability to detect cookies through walls and doors.

She usually uses her powers for good, but I have seen her succumb to raiding her sisters' rooms for treasures. Then she will look shocked and innocent when she is caught.

When Tyler asked her for a fierce face, this is what she gave him.

I'm not fooled. She is mischievous to the core, but underneath she is just a big softy.


Scott and Svetlana said...

So cute! I can't believe you caught all these awesome pictures of your adorable Super Daisy. It's just so cute!

CarrieLu and Madi too said...

So cute! She does have some awesome powers.

Kayla said...

Who couldn't fall in love with that cute little face? Even when she's running, climbing, etc, etc she is still as cute as ever! :)