Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Concerted Effort

December is a huge month for concerts. And I like going to them in general because I love Christmas music. But it does become overwhelming sometimes and then downright annoying when they happen to be scheduled on top of one another. Listen up school district. People have more than one child...especially here in beloved Utah. So maybe check in with one another and be considerate and don't schedule concerts for the same evening as another school. Come on! (Okay, I'm done ranting for the moment.)

Ivory and Robyn had concerts on the same evening, but I was lucky to catch Ivory practicing all her songs in the office one afternoon. I was able to be up close and I really enjoyed their songs. Here is her choir singing Bell Carol. Ivory had a bell chime and I thought for a long time that it was for show, because she never rang hers. But it did get around to her eventually. :)

It was a lovely mini concert just for me. (And whoever else happened to be standing around.) That lessened my guilt when I couldn't go to her real concert. But Dad snapped a picture on concert night. Can you pick her out on the right?

Instead of being there, I was over at Robyn's last concert with the band. She hasn't loved her experience at the high school and she decided not to take it for the next semester. She still did a great job. Here she is getting ready to play with the percussion ensemble. (Who were all shocked when she dropped band.)

I usually put one recording on here. I was torn this time which one to do. I have the percussion one, but someone called me towards the end and the recording stopped. I didn't know that happened, so I didn't know to restart it. The other piece, Robyn was on synthesizer. She turned it up thinking it was too quiet. Then Mr. Bowman stopped the band for a moment after the first part and he mumbled something about turning something off. Robyn was sure it was the synthesizer that she had turned up. So she turned it down and I think was very nervous the rest of the song. (Turns out it had nothing to do with her. ) So between the two, I chose the unfinished percussion number. It is not too bad. Preston is featured on xylophone. He is second from the left.

And a picture of Robyn on synth. I have a hard time hearing it with the band, so I'm sad she turned it down.

One final concert for the month of December. Daisy often has a ballroom competition, but they didn't this time around, so they went all out for the concert. They had a dress rehearsal for the parents before. I like that because then I can pick and choose which videos look the best. Daisy is one of the oldest dancers and the only girl to have been dancing since 4th grade, so she was in a fun number with just two couples. They ran out of skirts for the girls to use and she didn't bring hers, so she is wearing sweats, but she still looked adorable.

Here she is dancing the Cha-Cha. She has a different partner than usual (not Henry) and she tends to lead a little because she knows the steps. I liked this video more than the actual day because I was closer.

Ballroom has a big group this year, but most of them are level 1. Level 2 was so sparse they pulled some kids up that perhaps were not quite ready. But at least they have a team. I'm sure ballroom is more fun with so many kids to dance with.

On the actual concert day, I took a couple more photos. Here they are at the end of their Cha-Cha number.

I recorded Daisy's swing number again because she looked so pretty in the purple dress. And they finished the choreography so the number was complete. You can tell she is having fun up there.

The finale was really cute and they had the audience stand up and participate. That is always fun, except for the parents in the back who are recording. That is why I didn't bother this time around. But I did get a cute photo. It was a very enjoyable concert. Daisy has a great time dancing with Henry. This may be the last year she is taller than him. I bet he will shoot up soon.

Yay for Christmas memories and concerts.

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