Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Twelve Days of Origami

So, I lied. I still have one more December post up my sleeve.

Christina and June wanted to get Hannah a nice gift for Christmas. They thought about it a lot and they know Hannah likes Origami, so they decided to do the 12 Days of Christmas for her...origami style.

I laughed at them a little because out of the three of them, the one person who could probably help them figure out origami was the recipient, so they couldn't ask for her help. Christina and June watched a LOT of youtube videos. They did a great job making a ton of origami figures. The first bit was mostly birds.

They would leave them in fun spots for Hannah to find. Often in her house, but sometimes in other places.

When they got to the people stage, it got a bit harder. People are tricky. They did a great job on maids a milking.

Then the rest of the guys looked a little bit like frogs. (That's a leaping lord.)

But if you add accessories, you can tell what they are. See? Pipers piping.

Last but not least were the drummers, delivered on Christmas Eve. Hannah was not home, so there were many things left on her doorstep. That wasn't all put there by June and Christina. June put the drummers in the Christmas trees.

The final gift for Hannah, on Christmas, was none other than a pack of Origami paper. Now Hannah can practice her people making skills. I thought it was such a sweet thoughtful idea. They are good friends.

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