Daisy is ten months now. Before I know it, she will be one and we'll be celebrating her birthday. Don't tell her, but I don't do much for the first birthday considering they don't remember it (more evidence of what a good mom I am).
Daiz is a precocious little bugger now. She is starting to climb; perhaps my least favorite milestone. See, we have these STAIRS (
DUN dun duh), about thirteen of them. And they are
steep. And all babies learn how to crawl
up, before they learn how to crawl
down. Infuriating. I thought about the gate thing, but it doesn't work so well. If you put one at the top of the stairs, you are constantly shuttling kids across it, and it doesn't stop her from climbing up. Really, you need one at the top AND the bottom, but who is going to buy TWO gates to use for a short time...not me, that's who.
Instead, I play vigilant stair police and drop everything in my hands eighteen times a day to go rushing to pluck a baby off the stairs. Annoying. I am a good police man, but I know stair criminals get by me sometimes. I distinctly remember turning the corner and looking up to see Ivory (at this same stage) climb up over the last stair onto the landing. *sigh* You can't catch them all.
In other news, we had the carpets cleaned today. Well, just the one carpeted room in the downstairs. Why? Well, it was time and you have heard me talk about all the fun colors it was turning, due to Daisy's intestinal anarchy. In fact, just this afternoon, she was blessing the carpet with this fun color.

Note to self: NO CHEESE CRACKERS FOR DAISY. EVER. (Yes, I did just post a picture of vomit, because I'm awesome like that).
It was great to have a big open room to play in for a while.

Daisy was cute crawling around. I like this next picture especially because if you look closely, you can see the pinkish star June colored into the carpet for us a while back (and NO, the carpet cleaners could not get that out).

Good thing it is right in the middle of the room so I can't put furniture over it to hide it. It is one of the good reminders to me to never buy anything that is so expensive that I might try to value
it over my children. That is a recipe for disaster. Having a house is bad enough, because you know they aren't cheap and your kids work a number on them. But they are made to be lived in, and if I didn't have some evidence of my children's passing, I would be a sorry mom. I just wish it could be pictures of them on the wall, instead of stars colored into the carpet.