We went to see the hot air balloons fill and rise into the morning air. We never quite got to the rising stage though...
Last year, we went on the fourth (obviously a busier day) and we arrived around 6:30 just in time to see the first balloons start taking off. It was still magnificent but I thought it would be more fun to see them go from start to finish. So, this intrepid mother started waking little ones at 5:40 am. Some took a little shaking to get going, but all were cooperative. Robyn in her sleepy voice even said, "Thanks for waking me up, Mom."
We arrived at the field a little after six and I was happy to see that not a single balloon was filled. Some were testing their hot air and many were laid out getting ready.

We picked a nice spot to sit and eat breakfast while people bustled around.
*Side note: I am not a morning person in any sense of the word, but I sure do love a good morning when I bother getting up to greet one.
Tricia met us for breakfast and we watched as balloons slowly took shape. I'm not sure if they were waiting for some cue, but people were really taking their time. The Alexander's balloon was up and taking short flights (while still tethered) before any other balloons started filling, but eventually other people got going.

Many of the balloons were filled, but by 7:30 I figured that we needed to head home so Tyler could go to work (um...he actually didn't come with us. He opted to sleep in with Daisy). I have no idea how it is supposed to work. Some of the balloons weren't even started—they were still bundled up with no one nearby to work on them. Most of them were filled, but none had taken to the lofty skies. Were they waiting for everyone to be ready? Are there rules about how it all goes? Who knows.

We still had an excellent time and I am very glad we went and despite the early hour, the girls were rather chipper.

I liked the Tony the Tiger balloon, which was new this year,

but I missed some of our old favorites like the pig and the strawberry. I wonder if different balloons come on different days or if the same ones show up for all three days. And what if the weather doesn't cooperate? I guess if we go enough times we are bound to figure out some of the intricacies.
I took a closer look at the baskets this year. They really aren't that big. I would say they hold two grown men, or three people at best. I guess that pops the dream of taking the family up together in a hot air balloon. At this point we would have to take turns or rent at least three.

Tricia said that as she was leaving she heard that they weren't going to go up because of weather conditions. It looked fine to me, but I am not a weather expert. If you want to go see them, they will be on the Bulldog Field (1100 N. Freedom Blvd) for the next two mornings. And now you know they will fill the balloons even if they don't take off.
We went this morning. There were only about 5 balloons, but we got some good views. Unfortunately Madison wasn't feeling well, so she didn't even get out of the van to look. That's cool that you took your girls. Nice pictures!!
I've always wanted to go the balloons, and never have. How fun!
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