Saturday, October 26, 2019

I'm Crazy!!

There has been a distinct lack of blogging on my part the last couple of months. That is mainly due to the cruise, which was totally worth it frankly. You'll see when I actually get around to blogging about it. It has been this pipe dream to get caught up on blogging. I know it is within sight, but it is such a wiggly goal. I have so much going on and like the laundry, it never is really complete. We keep living life even as I try to document it.

So, I'm going to make a concerted effort to get caught up. I'm going to do NABLOPOMO. You know that thing where you blog every day in November. In order to get a handle on it, I'm trying to write some blog posts now, but I'm not publishing them until November. I'm hoping to have a nice nest egg to begin with.

But that means you won't see me again until November. That isn't strikingly different than what I normally do. I'm just giving you a heads up. It is the 5 day calm before the storm. Then you should be pleasantly inundated with more blather from me than you really want. And here's hoping that I can catch up to my life. (It hasn't happened in years, but I'm not giving up hope.) I'm not totally crazy right?

Please notice the fun bands I'm wearing on my braces right now. I was a whole heap of sore when I came home that day from the orthodontist. They added a power chain on top, the biggest wire on the bottom, and the nice bands on the side. My mouth was all kinds of hurting. It isn't so bad now, and hopefully I only have the bands for a month and it should mean that I'm getting to the end of this road of braces. That may also be wishful thinking. Oh, that's a great goal. Be caught up with the blog by the time I get my braces off. 

Anyway, let's do this!! It is a bit anticlimactic since it won't start until November 1st. But you know what I mean. Stay tuned.

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