I took this child gate back to Wal-mart today and some anonymous checker let us return it even though we bought it over two years ago (the return policy is three months) and I didn't have a receipt or ID with me. Anonymous checker, you are AWESOME! There was nothing wrong with the gate. We got it when Ivory was crawling and we never opened it and now that Daisy is crawling, we finally opened the thing and it wasn't what we wanted. So, happy day!
But that was hardly the best part of the trip. I had all four kids and we just wanted to return the one item. We headed over to customer service and the line was humungous. The kids were being good, as usual, so I settled in, keeping an eye on Ivory who will go as far away as possible without being out of sight, amusing the baby, and answering June's incessant chatter (Robyn is still my quiet child who stays close and doesn't make noise—bless her). June was asking random questions. She spied the lady right in front of us who was wearing cute clothes and seemed to be in her mid twenties. She asked the usual question, "What's her name?"
My children must think that I know everyone, because I hear this question all the time. People in other cars, on TV, across the street...surely I must know who they are. I tell June, "Well, since her name isn't on the back of her shirt, I don't know. But from here, I would say she looks like a Shannon, maybe."
"That's a weird name," she says.
"No, maybe her name is...(I ponder for a moment)...Emily."
At this point the lady (who is just getting off the phone) turned around wondering if I was addressing her.
"Is your name Emily?" I ask.
"I GOT IT RIGHT, (clapping and jumping) I'M AWESOME!!"
June practically cheered. What are the chances??
I am sure that Emily was freaking out just a little by now, but we quickly explained the game we were up to. Turns out she was returning two of the fourteen crock-pots she got for her wedding. We had a great conversation and it made the time pass quickly. I will probably never see her again, but she totally made my day. It is always nice to make a new friend.
Of course, then on the way home, June asked me to guess her birthday. I told her it was pointless without Emily there, but we guessed just the same. So, Emily So-and-So, any chance your birthday is October 12th?