Okay, are you all eggcited? Here they are in no particular order.
Here is Tyler's Greenback.

I love these two. Sally and Jack, but the best part is on the back of Jack's head.

Here's my mother's Under the Sea egg. The color is great and if you moved it all around there was a whale and a mermaid on it too.

My Dad named this one Brainiegg. I think it took third place in the deco contest.

These two are great. The Rose Garden on the left took second place overall.

I thought this was clever. I entitled it Bella's Dream (you know—a vampire bite). My mom told me later that she thought they were eyes. Oops; most people got it though.

Here is Tyler's Orange egg and my mom's stained glass egg.

Here is some of the competition brought in. The Macbean's didn't know about the crack off rules. Needless to say, no one wanted to roll against Sputnik.

I wasn't sure if this one could roll, but it looked cool. Eggo-Jet.

Tim did well this year. He feels pressure with all the artists in the family, but I liked this one called 'When Eggs go Bad"

This was my pride and joy. It was the first one I made and I knew it would do well in the deco contest; it won in fact. Ba'Crack' Obama.

I even put a target on the back of his head; merely for crack-off purposes...of course.

Here are a few others. I liked how Cindy used spices on her eggs. And the silver one is just cool.

Here is the grouping as we voted on them. I'm sorry if your eggs were not pictured. I think I took all these before the Moses showed up. Oh, that pink one in the front is Randy's caterpillar. Creative, huh?

Then we got down to business and the eggs were cracking everywhere.
Obama faired well, but was eventually taken out by Orien's Belt.

Here is Fungus Amungus vs. Orien's Belt in the final showdown.

And the winner is...
Orien's Belt. Good job Bryan. We always need a returning champion, so don't go far.

After all that, we actually tried rolling Orien's Belt against Sputnik. Orien's Belt creamed it, I kid you not. It knocked one of the bullets off and then cracked it the second time around.

We really had a great evening.
So today, I found out that underneath that brown exterior, Obama really is white. And then I ate him. Dairy-free egg salad is passable. Just make sure you add pickles, mustard, and a little president.
Maleen, would you be willing to email me the crack off rules?? This would be a great family tradition. Oh, and Kate said you would be the only person she would let pull out her very loose tooth. What do you charge?
and i thought we had an elaborate decorating tradition. are your kids around when you are doing all the painting? we get less creative each year--dunk and run before it gets spilled. :) you guys had some awesome eggs.
You didnt show "When eggs go bad"s ponytail! =(
Those are some creative eggs! Looks like it was a blast. :)
Those are amazing eggs. I loved looking at all of them! I have neither the talent nor the patience to do that. But I can appreciate them!
Those are some crazy good looking eggs!
Sounds fun...wish I had been invited.
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