Friday, December 20, 2019

The Philharmonia

It has been a long road to get to June's first Youth Symphony concert. She auditioned back in the Spring of 2018. She was accepted, but she decided to decline, joining ballroom instead. She auditioned again in Spring of 2019 and was once again accepted (this time to the higher orchestra). But it didn't start until the Fall, so it felt like we were waiting forever.

But start it did. It takes up a good chunk of Saturday. Every Saturday morning, June is gone for several hours. The end result was well worth it. On a Monday in November we all went to watch her play. Granny V was visiting that weekend to see Ivory's play so she got to come see this as well. Sadly, it was on Ivory's closing night, so she wasn't able to attend, but the rest of the family went.

It was so fun to watch. It was at a real venue, (not a High School) but that meant no recording. That is too bad. They played so well. There were some pieces from Swan Lake that were very good. And another that I recognized, but don't remember the name of. I took several pictures. Can you find June on the left with the bun on her head. I like buns...easier to find in a crowd.

I have been known to fall asleep in orchestra concerts, but not this one. Afterward, we met in the lobby to tell June what a good job she did. There was some fun art on display. (You know me, gotta take pictures of fun art.) There was one artist who used paper in such a fun way. I only took a couple shots, but I would love to remember her style.

In the meantime, it looks like Robyn is going to join the Youth Symphony as well. So now it will be doubly good to go to the concerts.

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