It was really fun. I can't say that our clothes were very traditional. The girls were sporting princess togas but we got in the spirit. Tyler almost wore my pink bathrobe (he said it would be dressing in the colors of his family) but in the end we all opted for togas.
We were given money as we came into the market and there were booths where we would purchase food. Can you see me holding the little money bag?
At the butchers we got some ham and turkey and at Carb's Inn we got rolls and potatoes, etc. The girls liked the bakery the most of course and we made several trips there at the end of the meal.
It was a really neat experience. At the end, there was a short program where we sang and saw the nativity acted out. I was very impressed with the ward for trying this. I know it took a lot of effort from many people, but I think it was one of our best ward bonding moments. I mean, how can people sit on blankets together, sing Silent Night, and not feel closer?