June asked if we could play Scrabble the other day. Normally she likes to play by herself and she will make the alphabet out of the tiles. But today, I thought we could go for a real game (and by real game, I mean you can spell anything as long as it makes sense phonetically and if you can't find a place to play, then you can start your word in a new spot. So basically, the totally fun rules). June did a great job making words out of her tiles. She asked for help a few times, but in general she held her own.
This may have been the best game of Scrabble I have ever played. Some of my favorite words were:
GLEM (gleam)
NEET (neat)
JOO (Jew, and I was very clever and added an 'L' later to make JOOL)
KUT (cut)
SED (said)
but my favorite by far was
QUYIR (choir—creative huh?)
We didn't keep score but if we had, she probably would have won (just kidding, I totally rock at Scrabble—if you want to get beat, just come on over; although you have to play the regular rules if you are over 10).
All those words definitely fit the "phonetic" rule -- how cute for her to come up with those! I want to just play that way too, am I over 10?? J/K - I'm really not a fan of Scrabble though, so I probably wont be playing with you anytime soon, sorry! Cranium, the old classic Clue, Cashflow --anytime!
yes, but how are you at boggle?
Like mother, like daughter. I will never forget "Grape Written". So glad that you and June can have such fun together. Just wait until Ivory can join in - THEN you'll get some really weird words!
I have never played Scrabble before. Whats it Like?
Dude, if I played by those rules, I would win every time!
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