Can I tell you how much I am loving Tyler and Kari right now? They decided to attend a play, and somehow Tyler got stuck buying three tickets instead of two. So they were looking for someone who wouldn't mind the official 'third wheel' title. I gladly accepted, even before I knew what the play was, but imagine my happiness when I found out it was The Secret Garden. I have all the songs memorized because I love the music so much. I don't think they could have made anyone happier by inviting them.
Kari and I left to take the kids to a friend's house. Tyler actually called us with directions on the way, but we are smart women, and we only had to go off-roading once to find our destination. We thought everything was in hand, and we were simply waiting for Tyler to join us when we got the call that he had broken down on the freeway. But what is a night on the town without a little adventure? (Part of me was very glad that it was their car adventure and not mine--it is much easier to be along for the ride.) We picked him up and shuttled him to the play and we were only 2 minutes late. Not bad, I think.
The play was just spectacular!!! I have been listening to my CD since I have been back and I think that the voices of the cast that evening were better. Archibald was amazing and Martha was so superb. Okay, I just really love that play, and it has been years since I've seen it.
Coming home was fun too. Now that we were short one car, we had a full load to fit into one vehicle. I am impressed with the three car seats the Wrights have squished in the back, but that leaves room for two adults, and you already know I was the "Third" wheel. So, I camped in the trunk. It was actually quite comfortable. They had blankets back there and I could look up at the stars. Tyler said as he started to drive, "I can't believe that we just put Sis. Cazier in the trunk."
Now you all know that my husband is a Tyler as well, so in normal conversation there are times when you have to specify which Tyler you are addressing or talking about. Kari and I were talking about eye color of our kids and she said, "Now, all your girls have brown eyes like Tyler, right?" And Tyler (her husband) said, "Did you just ask if all her girls have brown eyes like Tyler Wright?" Oops, I thought there was enough confusion with Tyler but now I we need to specify which right/Wright we are referring to. I guess it helps that Tyler Wright actually has blue eyes, so my kids do belong to the Raging Stallion. I love using that nickname for him, but it may become even more useful when partying with the Wrights. One thing is for sure, I'm not going to stop partying with the Wrights any time soon. Thanks again guys for a very exciting, wonderful evening.