There are moments when a child says something and it makes you put things into perspective. Not the
I am the adult perspective, but more of the
let's get real perspective. After a bit of a stern talking to yesterday, Robyn looked at me, lowered her eyes and said, "Mom, I'm sorry I ruined your plan." After that, only a heartless beast could still be mad at that little one. But here is some background:
Monday night, so naturally FHE is planned. Mom makes beans (that green bean casserole and it was so good) but Robyn is not a bean eater. In our house, you have to try one bite (at least) to get FHE treat and you have to participate during FHE to get the treat as well. Basically the treat is leverage for just about everything. Robyn has a habit of leaving dinner to go to the bathroom, but depending on what we are eating, sometimes she is not too eager to return to the table. Well, beans are not tempting her back to the table and she lingers in the bathroom longer and longer with the intermittent threat from her mother. "Robyn, you won't have a treat unless you eat your beans!" "We are going to start FHE soon, you better hurry up!" It wasn't working last night. A good friend of mine asked why I didn't just help her in the bathroom and speed things on their way? This is an excellent idea, but I had my hands full making this scrumptious treat that was supposed to be worth eating beans for. I was making donuts and this was a full time job.
An hour later, there is no sign of Robyn. She is either stuck to the seat or maybe my cooking is worse than I thought. We start FHE but I am singing from the kitchen as I continue to make donuts. Tyler's throat hurts so he opts out of singing, and June enjoys the actions more than the words, so I am basically singing a solo to the house. Tyler was supposed to be in charge of the lesson, but he is still letting his throat rest so that makes me in charge. By this point, I realize there is no way I can give Robyn a treat when she hasn't eaten beans or participated in FHE, so I call it a night and just serve the donuts. June really enjoyed them, Tyler didn't eat anything (sugar would irritate his throat), Ivory didn't like the look of them (I don't blame her. They tasted pretty good, but they certainly weren't the prettiest donuts you've ever seen) and Robyn finally decides to leave the bathroom. I tell her that I will save her a donut and that she still needs to eat a bean. She is shocked that they are cold (do I explain again about what happens when you spend an hour in the bathroom?).
Well, FHE was a bust for the evening. After one bean dutifully enters Robyn's mouth, she joins me on the couch for a story. I tend to be overly chatty when it comes to discipline (I don't know if you can tell that I get rather loquacious?) and I was telling Robyn repeatedly why she should go potty faster and why she was not getting a donut. This is when the classic line happens, "Mom, I'm sorry I ruined your plan."
I softened immediately and just hugged her tight. So...FHE wasn't the best we've had. So...Robyn spent over an hour in the bathroom. These things don't matter so much. What matters is that I don't let the silly little things come before the love of my child. She got a donut in the morning and I have learned that I need simpler treats on FHE night. I guess I got a little perspective.
I may as well add the recipe since it is our treat for the week. They were very tasty (the raisins were fun) and they don't have a lot of sugar unless you count the powdered sugar on the outside. But unless you have a deep fryer you may be out of luck. You could use a pan on the stove or borrow mine, but the experience is a bit messy and time consuming. I think these would be great once a year, on a special occasion. But definitely NOT for FHE.
Olliebollen (Doughnuts)
1 pkg. active dry yeast
1 t. sugar
¼ c. warm water
2 ¼ c. cake flour
1 ½ c. raisins
1 c. warm milk (1oo to 110 degrees)
¼ c. sugar
1 egg, beaten
¾ t. cinnamon
½ t. salt
¼ t. nutmeg
1 c. powdered sugar
Dissolve yeast with one teaspoon sugar and water—let sit for about 10 minutes. In large bowl combine the next 8 ingredients ‘til well blended; add yeast mixture. Cover and let rise for one hour. Drop 2 tablespoonfuls of dough into hot oil in deep fryer; fry ‘til golden brown. Drain on paper towels. Roll in powdered sugar. Serve immediately. Microwave to reheat. Makes 2 dozen.