Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Holy Busy Batman

I am busy. My mind is having trouble wrapping itself around all the things I need to accomplish. I am sure it will all get done, it always does. But I find myself leaping back and forth between projects without finishing anything.

In the meantime, I have not been picking up my camera. Not that I don't see the photo ops. If you love photography, you see life in pictures, and I hurt a little inside when I see an excellent picture opportunity, but I ignore it because I am doing one of a million other things. But it is good to do other things too.

The other day, the girls were playing in this small pool I got them. (Small enough that I don't have to worry about Pearl as much.) I watched Pearl play with the hose and put it in her mouth. I wanted to race down and snap a ton of pictures, but I was busy, so instead I looked out my window and took this.

I love when they all place nicely together. They are all going to be such good friends when they are older. I hope they are close and rely on each other.

Tyler has been much better about getting out the camera. I noticed that almost all the pictures I downloaded recently were taken by him. (And trust me, he is busier than I am.) I liked that he caught Pearl oogling the neighbors. Our neighbors are the cutest. They have four adorable boys and my girls love to play with them. Pearl likes to watch them from her secret hiding place.

She likes to squeeze back and forth behind the garbage. And of course Claire goes with her.

I laughed when I looked through the pictures Tyler took. I came across this one.

It is funny to me, because I went outside to be ALONE since I wanted to talk on the phone and not be interrupted. You can see how well that turned out. I do remember I was suddenly bombarded by the usual chaos and noise, but oddly, I don't remember Daisy being naked. Then again, maybe I am just so used to her parading that way, that I don't notice.

You will be pleased to know that she doesn't undress in public, unless you count her shoes. I can not keep her shoes on in the least. I am debating about duct taping them on her feet, but that might be a little extreme. I've tried different kinds of shoes in hopes she will like one enough to leave on. I've given her flip-flops so her feet won't get hot. It doesn't matter. She must be part Panda. (Get it. Bear feet.)

Okay, it's time for me to go to bed.


Emma Jo said...

I love it. I do wish my hubby would pick up the camera little more often. I would love to see what he could capture.

¡Vieve! said...

Pearl looks like she's such a little creeper spy right there! This makes me want to have a camera to take around, instead of using iPhone if something happens.